With the spring weather upon us, now is the perfect time to round up your employees and treat them to a fun and memorable company outing. It’s going to be nearly impossible to pick an event that will please everyone, but we’ve got some ideas to help with your planning if you’re having trouble getting started.
Amusement Park
Something about being at an amusement park, with the roller coasters and the cotton candy, can remind us of what it’s like to be a kid again. There’s nothing like a carefree day at an amusement park to help ease the stress of day to day work life.
River Cruise
For a more sophisticated outing, book a river cruise (hopefully there’s a river or body of water nearby!) for your employees. Cruises can work well as evening cocktail and hors d’oeuvre hours. Organize an open bar or a drink ticket system and provide plenty of tasty appetizers for your employees. They’ll enjoy the opportunity to spend some time together outside of the office and on the open water!
Charity Event
A great way to have some fun with your employees while supporting a good cause is to participate in a charity event, such as a walk-a-thon, together. To add a competitive edge, have different teams compete to raise money for the cause. You can create an added incentive for participation by offering a prize, such as an extra vacation day or free lunch, to the team who raises the most money.
Company Team
Pick a relatively simple sport that most people will be able to partake in – generally that means avoiding tackle football and basketball – and create a company team. Playing a team sport will give employees a fun way to work together in a setting outside of the office and winning or losing as a team can reinforce a sense of bonding that is crucial to a successful group.
Trivia Night
Gather your employees and head to a bar for a trivia night – or create one in your own office! Trivia is fun, engaging, and just the right amount of competitive. Encourage comingling between departments by requiring that teams have players from more than one division or department of the company. Set up a bar tab or provide refreshments at the office for employees to enjoy during the game. It’s sure to be a night everyone will remember!
For inspiration, check out these creative leaders and thinkers:
Chester Elton
An expert on leadership, Chester Elton is motivational, inspirational, and knowledgeable! His expertise in management and recruitment & retention make him an authority on keeping a workforce effective and happy.
Jackie Freiberg
Jackie Freiberg is a rock star when it comes to best business practices and the art of leadership. Jackie helps executives and managers become effective leaders and build great companies people want to work for!
DeWitt Jones
DeWitt Jones is a creative genius who is both a world class photographer and an Academy Award – nominated director. DeWitt’s knowledge of and insight into the creative process make him an inspiring example.
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