Eagles Talent Speakers Bureau had the pleasure of sitting down for an exclusive interview with Amelia Rose Earhart. Most famous for symbolically recreating and completing Amelia Mary Earhart’s 1937 flight around the world, Amelia discussed how to deal with the new unexpected change in all of our lives, the holding pattern we are all currently in, and how to have control over the holding pattern. Amelia Rose Earhart is no stranger to accomplishing her goals and she wants to help you and your team to do the same, no matter what is going on in the world.
In addition to being an around-the-world pilot and professional speaker, Amelia is a broadcaster and host of television show, Colorado & Company. She begins the interview by discussing the effect the Coronavirus restrictions have had on her work life. For both her broadcasting and speaking career, she had to learn how to adapt and change her ways to fit this current normal.
She discusses what the point of no return means to pilots and how it could be used as a tool to help us through this time. The point of no return is an actual mathematical equation that pilots use when flying over bodies of water. They know once they hit the point of no return, there is no turning back and they have to work with what they have. The pilot has to learn how to handle any issues that may be thrown at them at that point because there is no back-up plan. It is very similar to what the whole world is going through with the COVID-19 pandemic. We have reached a point where there is no turning back, we need to adapt to our current situation and be prepared to handle the obstacles as they appear.
The holding pattern is another flying technique that Amelia shares with viewers to help them succeed. She explains how over the last few months, we’ve been given restrictions by an outside source (the government) on how to live our lives. As a pilot, outside interference is what you hate most, but sometimes it is essential for the safety of the pilot as well as any passengers on board. A holding pattern is what happens when there is something blocking your chances of having a safe landing. This can include bad weather, any kind of damage to a runway or emergency at an airport (fire, explosion, etc.), among a variety of other issues. When these things happen, the pilot cannot worry about what is happening outside of the plane, they need to focus on controlling within. At this point, we can only control what happens within our own lives. It is very easy to feel overwhelmed with the current state of the world but Amelia explains if you try to do little things to control your own life, the anxiety will subside a bit and you will realize these regulations are in place to keep you safe. We have to participate in rules that we may not appreciate now, but will keep us safe in the long run.
In addition to giving advice on how to handle these times, Amelia discussed her around-the-world flight in detail, told the heart-warming story of her favorite moment from the flight, and talks about the art she has been working on recently. She concludes by telling viewers to look past the Coronavirus and look more closely at things you can directly control. We are all taking a different path than we are used to but Amelia has given us tools to help succeed on that path.
Interested in hearing more from Amelia Rose Earhart? Please click here to book her for your virtual or in-person keynote today. Learn more about the holding pattern and how you can use it to your advantage today!
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