Every year on June 5th, the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) celebrates World Environment Day, encouraging everyone around the world to do something positive for the planet!
Established by the UN General Assembly in 1972, this day serves as a friendly reminder to take action and help improve the environment. This years theme is “Small Island Developing States and Climate Change,” with Barbados leading the way. The slogan, “Raise your voice not the sea level,” serves as a reminder of Barbados’ pledge to increase the share of renewable energy across the island to 29% percent of all electricity consumption by 2029.
In addition to the pledge, there are various ways that you can help make the environment a better place. Actions such as:
Taking Public Transportation – Taking public transportation not only helps to conserve energy, it also helps reduce air pollution, making a positive impact on air quality while preserving the earth’s natural resources.
Recycling – Recycling helps create jobs, reduces landfills, and adds tremendously to the economy.
Unplugging Electronics When Not In Use – When plugged in, many devices draw electricity, regardless if they’re in use or not. Unplugging your electronics can aid in reducing your carbon footprint, as well as reducing your energy bill.
Gardening – Plants play a major role in cleaning our air. According to the Plants for Clean Air Council, energy efficient landscaping can actually reduce your energy costs by 20%.
Composting Your Waste – According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), composting your waste provides many environmental benefits, such as enriching soil and preventing pollution, as well as providing economic benefits, serving as a low cost alternative to the standard landfill.
For more tips and information, make sure you visit the UNEP’s website for tips on how to reduce your carbon footprint. Make everyday World Environment Day and pledge to make a difference in your community in order to make the world a better place!
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