What defines a controversial topic?
The word con·tro·ver·sial means: “giving rise or likely to give rise to a public disagreement.” Lately it seems the media is saturated with different opinions shouting at each other. Unfortunately, this divisive mentality has seeped into our personal lives as well as the workplace — and noticeably the corporate world! Here are speaking topics companies are afraid to discuss.
Often, corporations and organizations are put in uncomfortable positions to take a public stance on incidents that have affected their employees, customers, or members. The public stance they take, can either help or hurt them financially.
But conversation does not always have to be negative. In fact, starting a dialogue where all sides are heard, can help prepare and enlighten all parties concerned. And seeing as Halloween is a holiday that often celebrates and encourages braving fearful activities…
We dare you to discuss:
- Addiction
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Environment
- Patriotism
- Politics
- Religion & Spirituality
- Women’s Issues
These Speaking Topics are Nothing to Fear!
If you are interested in changing the conversation at your next event, we can help!
For speaker fees and availability, email [email protected] or call 1.800.345.5607
The needs for this subject can really vary, so connect with one of our members to determine the best message.
Email us at info@eaglestalent.com or call us at 1-973-313-9800.