Being an entrepreneur is no easy task. No one knows this better than Amilya Antoinetti!
Motherhood is typically a joyous occasion for ones family, but for Amilya, it was a trying one.
Since the birth of her son, Amilya struggled to understand the causes of his breathing difficulties, rashes and tantrums. The doctor even went as far as to advise her to let him go. Amilya vowed to do everything she could to prevent such a thing from happening.
With fierce persistence and determination, Amilya quit her job and committed herself unto learning more about her son’s illness. She would soon find out that unnatural common household cleaning products his caused his sickness. This would ultimately end up inspiring her to start her own business, SoapWorks, marketing affordable natural soap that’s safe for all.
As an entrepreneur, Amilya just doesn’t stop at the money; she hopes to make an impact. Amilya vows to use her knowledge as an entrepreneur to help others with the same dream avoid making the same mistakes that she did. In her wildly popular keynote presentations, Amilya reminds audiences “Your advice is worth a dime. Your experience is worth millions.”
Today, Amilya is a successful radio show host, using her platform, 77WABC Radio, to reach out to listeners and make a difference. In addition to this, she is also a highly sought after motivational speaker who draws heavily on her own incredible life experience to teach others how to break the boundaries holding them back in business and in life.
As a speaker, Amilya seeks to teach audiences how to take control of their lives and live with a purpose. She emphasizes the importance of teamwork and how crucial it is to have a team around you that you can trust.
For over 20 years, Amilya has started, grown, and turned-around over a dozen multi-million dollar companies and brands by developing the right strategy, business models and teams.
See Amilya in action below!
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