Happy Veterans Day!
In honor of this day, we here at Eagles Talent Speakers Bureau put together a list of admirable veterans who have dedicated their lives to serving this amazing country.
#1. Rocky Bleier
Rocky Bleier is a real inspiration – he earned a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart, beat the odds by overcoming his combat injuries and returned to the gridiron to become a champion. As both a war veteran and four-time Super Bowl champion, Bleier explores the structural and emotional aspects individuals and organizations need to reach their greatest potential.
#2. Charlie Plumb
Charlie Plumb is a former Vietnam War captive who motivates and teaches audiences the qualities of survival and overcoming obstacles. One of the most sought-after achievement speakers of his time, Charlie Plumb’s presentations are as he is, sincere, straightforward, humorous, and tailored to motivate each specific audience he encounters.
#3. Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch
Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch is a renowned, charismatic, passionate and influential speaker with a mission to empower the next generation of leaders. She is an army veteran and community leader who speaks on how ethics, compassion, service and diversity make a positive impact in our lives.
#4. Mike Abrashoff
Mike Abrashoff is a former Commander of the USS Benfold and author of the best selling book It’s Your Ship Mike Abrashoff challenges and inspires audiences to rethink their beliefs about leadership and organizational culture. His powerful talks are tailored to suit: improve engagement, execution, leadership skills, teamwork, innovation and more.
#5. Michael Strobl
Michael Strobl enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1983. He was commissioned a second lieutenant, and served around the world in various duties as a field artilleryman. His personal memoir “Taking Chance” has appeared in numerous books and was included in the 2007 documentary “Operation Homecoming” and was nominated for an Academy Award and an Emmy Award.
#6. Gerald Coffee
Captain Gerald Coffee, is considered one of the nation’s top speakers, addressing thousands of people a year across a broad spectrum of corporate America and to international groups as well. In his message of going “Beyond Survival,” Jerry draws not only from insights derived from the prison experience, but also from the perspective of his unique experiences since then.
#7. Waldo Walderman
Lt. Col. (ret.) Rob ‘Waldo’ Waldman – The Wingman – is a professional leadership speaker and author of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller Never Fly Solo. Waldo combines real world business experience and a background as a fighter pilot into an exciting program that empowers attendees to break performance barriers in highly competitive environments.
#8. Vernice “Fly Girl” Armour
Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour knows a little something about focus, commitment, and defying the odds. As a popular inspirational leadership speaker, Armour shares a seven-step process called the “Zero to Breakthrough Success Plan” in her powerful presentations to help organizations adopt a breakthrough mentality.
#9. Carey “Vixen” Lohrenz
Carey Lohrenz knows what it takes to win in one of the highest pressure, extreme environments imaginable: in the cockpit at Mach 2. She is uniquely qualified in the fundamentals of winning under pressure, reducing errors and overcoming obstacles. Her mastery of these fundamentals can help your team triumph in this high-risk, time crunched world.
#10. Vincent “Vinny” Boles
Vincent “Vinny” Boles’ expertise is in leading people and building the teams in large organizations to accomplish the toughest tasks (supporting our deployed sons and daughters) under the toughest conditions (combat). He creates a climate that not only encourages your people to give their best but also ensures that your team’s best gets better.
The needs for this subject can really vary, so connect with one of our members to determine the best message.
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