Why are clients rushing to book Tim Sanders?
Internet pioneer and best-selling author, Tim Sanders is known for his unique and impactful keynote presentations that he delivers to Fortune 500 executives on leadership, marketing and new media strategies to grow their business. His extensive knowledge of economics, psychology and debate, enables him to fuse together stories and science to move audiences to action.
Tim reveals winning ways to create and maintain real connections inside and outside your company by building a culture of courage and leading the conversation with confidence. He demonstrates winning techniques that leaders can use to their advantage in order to cultivate talent and unleash innovation by injecting gratitude into the workplace. He focuses on the importance of relationships in running a business and asserts that everyone in an organization is important to its growth and should not be overlooked.
Tim has been called the “Public Consultant” by Time Magazine because of his extensive pre-keynote research and highly customized advice points for groups. For over a dozen conferences and meetings, he’s the top rated speaker in its history, prompting organizations and companies everywhere to request him to be at their events.
Program Descriptions:
Creating the Sale: How to Unleash Your Creative Sales Genius
Regardless of what your job title reads, selling is a part of your success formula. From sales professionals to senior leadership, selling the vision is a process that requires creativity.
The Social Opportunity: 3 Ways To Leverage New Media For Your Business
Consultant and best-selling author Tim Sanders has a message to deliver to companies and associations: The future is about self-generated content that can be easily shared. His talk is not a review on ‘of-the-moment’ platforms or tools, but instead, he offers a blueprint for leveraging any new media innovation, whether it’s a new social networking service, mobile app or publishing platform.
Relationship Power! How To Win Business & Influence People
Building business relationships is not a matter of playing golf, the gift of gab or being a rubber stamp on others’ ideas. In this program Tim reveals winning ways to create and maintain real connections inside & outside your company.
The Business Power Of Confident Thinking
It’s not enough to ‘think positive’ though – sustainable confidence comes from lifestyle and leadership design. This program is based on Sanders’ experience through three recessions, the dotcom boom and the quality movement.
For more information on booking Tim Sanders for one of your events, check out his page on our website or call our office at 1.800.345.5607.
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