My parents divorced when I was 18 months old. My mother didn’t want me, so my dad stepped up to raise me. He didn’t give me a lot of rules or restrictions, yet I never did drugs, never got into trouble, and got good grades.
What he did give me was a philosophy—a standard to live up to.
When I complained something wasn’t fair or thought I wasn’t good enough, my dad would say, “Circumstances don’t matter. If others are smarter, have more talent, or are more experienced, you can still win. Work harder, study longer, and push yourself further than anyone else will go—Be The Exception.”
He had me believe I could do anything and achieve anything I wanted if I simply chose to—Be The Exception.
This philosophy guided me in starting my own company at age 18. Before my 19th birthday, I was earning a six-figure income. Within 5 years it grew to more than a million dollars a year. Thirty years later, it is still my guiding force.