After almost 20 years of practicing as a Sports Chiropractor and nutritionist, and almost six years of being a personal coach and motivational speaker, I have finally realized my calling: I was meant to teach every athlete, business person, and health minded individual, the nutritional and mental steps necessary in maximizing ones health and performance naturally, allowing them to reach their god given potential.
What I have learned about nutrition and its effect on physical and mental performance (which is now in my newest book called “THE SPORTS TRIAD”), is something that needs to be utilized by anyone who wants to bring their game, job or career to the next level.
If you are looking for the answers on how to perform more regularly with faith, confidence and belief, or want to learn how to consistently have incredible energy, strength, endurance and great health; you have found the right person.
I always look forward to discussing the next step toward achieving a person’s deepest goals, what challenges they face and how I can help.
Watch the Video Below to See Dr. Kleinwaks in Action!
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