When your in-person event is canceled, it can prove difficult to keep an audience hyped for an online event. Or even planning a completely online webinar can sometimes make your head spin when it comes to marketing. Where do you even begin to promote pre-event hype?
Getting an audience hyped for an online event can be a daunting task if it is your first time doing it. Content marketing is important to generate pre-event hype. This improves attendance and increases overall event engagement. This also boosts social engagement and impressions leading up to the event’s kick-off.
Choose the Right Platform
Where does your audience come from? Are they Twitter-heads, Facebook frenzies, LinkedIn or Instagram users? Having the right platform for your content is your first task. Creating perfect content means nothing if the right people don’t see it, at the right time. Knowing your audience is key.
Tease Your Audience with the Right Content
People love cliffhangers and so do companies when it comes to promoting content. Keeping excitement up makes viewers keep coming back, which therefore ups engagement. Teasing with content can be tweets, pictures, videos or even something as interesting as creating a site landing page.
Techniques like this pique interest and keep an active audience.
Just a Peak, Please?
When you’ve given your audience enough hints and content that has left them on the edge, give them a little sneak peak. Get creative during this stage. What can you do that is completely outside the box? Does your event have a special speaker coming? If so, use that speaker to your advantage. Have them do a little promo for the event.
This automatically piques interest, gives your event more content and is the perfect promotion.
Local Marketing Can Make a Bigger Impact
Reaching an audience on a national scale can be hard, especially if your company might not be as widely known. Starting small is the best idea. Market locally. Long tail optimization is great for location tracking, exposure and making sure that your content will be seen by the people most likely to attend.
For a virtual event, location tracking is still very important. There might be certain groups of people that you are trying to reach. Using long tail optimization helps you pick keywords based on geographical data and a stronger zeroed-in focus.
A Need For Change
While the tactics stay the same, the way they are implemented may need to change. Creating pre-event hype is all about reinventing the way that events are marketed. Content creation and content sharing boosts event excitement, but it needs to be done strategically.
Ready to turn that virtual event speaker idea into reality? Contact us today and we’ll get you started.
The needs for this subject can really vary, so connect with one of our members to determine the best message.
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