Being Gay in a Personally Powerful Way!
As a young child, I was bullied, and often. I was a young gay boy in the 80’s, so being bullied on a daily basis was a regrettable part of my early life.
As a young gay man, I was repeatedly told to “stay in my lane”, “keep my head down”, and “stay behind the scenes” by family and friends. At that time, it was a matter of life and death (which regretfully, it often still is in some places today) and being “openly gay” just wasn’t the safe way to go.
Well, times have changed, and so have I. Holding my head down is no longer an option (really, after 1 year of that it was impossible). Anyone who knows me knows I don’t do quiet well. Life is more open and diverse now, being gay is way more acceptable, But that doesn’t mean it’s easy at first or any sort of a cake walk for anyone as they start to discover and/or embrace that they are gay. For some, it is easy. For most, it is not.
I am now a loud, proud, openly gay, liberal Jewsh man. I grew up wanting to be an actor and comedian, At that time, my dreams had no place to go. I had no one to look up to. I had no direction to understand. There were no openly gay characters on TV or in film. 40 years ago, I did not exist in a category I knew I wanted to be a part of. And now I stand before you proud to say I have over 250 credits in my IMDB profile (that’s “Hollywood talk” for my resume).
Achieving my Hollywood dreams came with struggle, challenges and many complications and setbacks along the way. I’m here to help you understand how to release all of your excess, ancient baggage that comes from being bullied, fear that comes with feeling like you don’t fit in, and early societal shame attached to sexuality.
Let me inspire you and your group to understand how to go from bullied to ballsey, and move from victim to victor in 5 transformative steps.
man who wanted to be an actor and comedian. 40 years ago I did not exist in my industry. Now diversity is the new normal. Let me show you how to release your baggage and reach the dreams you have been working for…
My Dad, who passed a few years ago, was a Jewish immigrant who always said to me (in a thick Polish accent), “When you go to the interview, wear a tie and show them you mean business”. I took that to mean, “Be your best self”. And that’s whom I strive to be.
With over 250 Film & TV credits to my name and 1000’s of comedy shows. I will teach your the things I did to become a successful and what you can doo to work in the field that is your passion.
Here’s what I learned and will teach to you:
Steps to Your Own Victory Dance:
1) Embrace your discomfort, it’s your best friend
2) Go where your passion is, it’s always a step in the right direction
3) Become the best you can be.
3) Do all of the foot work. No one else will do it for you.
5) Make that extra call or email
4) Being uncomfortable will lead to success (and maybe even more sex and relationships).
5) How to create leads that lead to the life you want, and what to do with them
I believe when you get into action with these ideas I look forward to sharing with you, people will be interested in helping you achiever your dreams too. When you walk thru any door, you will have no fear about what is on the other side. By taking action with my victim to victor roadmap, these simple methods will help you heal your harm and embrace your own power and success!
During this lecture you will also learn:
A) My tried and true method of masterfully moving to the next place in your career
B) Always knowing what the next move should be.
C) How to Make More Money While Earning Your Own Self Respect in your industry of choice.
D) My top 3 secrets that helped me get over 500 jobs.
About Jason Stuart: Stuart’s work transcends from entertainment to real-life as an advocate and mentor. As the current SAG-AFTRA’s LGBTQ Committee’s National Co-Chair and creator of the committee 15 years ago, Jason Stuart was just honored with the Jose Julio Sarria International Civil Rights Award, which was presented by the International Imperial Court System and She Persist Award (Elizabeth Warren inspired Award) for his with LGBT Actors.
I will share the intimate details of growing up and being bullied all through my school years, and being plagued with thoughts of suicide as a youth. But also share how I released the pain and will teach YOU how to LET GO and receive the serenity in your life you deserve.
I have used my experience, strength and hope as an openly gay actor and comedian to support the community by performing at countless benefits for issues ranging from #Black Lives Matter, Latinx equality, Holocaust, HIV-AIDS, LGBT rights, marriage equality, Women’s Rights, Homeless, and the dignity of all regarding gender expression for the last 28 years. I am currently the national co-chairman of the first ever SAG AFTRA LGBT Committee, and in addition to producing the annual comedy benefit for Lifeworks Mentoring Program for 6 years.
I speak from my heart with humor and compassion, and in a transformative fashion builds the resolve of LGBT and questioning youth, and work to win the souls of prospective allies. I have always said, “I am no different from you. Just more people know me. Let me take you by the hand and support you into a more successful and exciting life!”