Jennifer  Storm

Jennifer Storm

Survivor. Author. Advocate. Victim’s Rights Expert.

In-Person Fee Range:
$5,001 - $7,500
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Resiliency & recovery – Jennifer Storm – TEDxMuncyStatePrison

Jennifer Storm

Survivor. Author. Advocate. Victim’s Rights Expert.

In-Person Fee Range:
$5,001 - $7,500
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Why Book

  • Jennifer Storm is an award winning victim’s rights expert, advocate and best-selling author of multiple books. Having worked on some of the most high profile cases in our history, she is often the first call media make when stories break on addiction, victimization and trauma.


After a childhood rape turned her life upside down, Jennifer Storm turned to drug and alcohol to cope with the trauma she endured. This ten year battle with addiction culminated in a brutal suicide attempt which she survived. She awoke in a hospital bed with renewed hope and set out to rebuild her life while exposing one secret at a time. Now with two decades of recovery and healing, Storm seeks to bring forth her experience, strength and hope to others.

She has worked many high profile cases including helping victims/survivors of; Jerry Sandusky, Bill Cosby, Catholic Clergy victims and thousands of other cases in her twenty year long career as a victim advocate, Jennifer Storm is often times the first call media make when stories break.

Governor Tom Wolf recently re-appointed Mrs. Storm for a 2nd six year term as the Victim Advocate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in December 2019. Governor Tom Corbett had previously nominated her as Commonwealth Victim Advocate on Nov. 8, 2013, and she was unanimously confirmed by the state Senate on Dec. 10, 2013. As Victim Advocate, she is responsible for representing the rights and interests of crime victims within the Commonwealth. She is the President Elect of the National Crime Victim Law Institute in Portland Oregon.

Mrs. Storm has received numerous awards including; the 2012 Gail Burns Smith Award from the National Crime Victim Law Institute presented at their annual conference for Excellence in Victims Services, the 2012 Liberty Bell Award from the Dauphin County Bar Association and the 2011 Pathfinder Award for Excellence in Victims Services in the Commonwealth of PA presented by Governor Tom Corbett.

She was born and raised near Allentown, PA and attended Northampton High School. She graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation Services and a Master’s Degree in Organizational Management from The University of Phoenix. She studied Conflict Resolution and Dispute Management at The ILR School of Cornell University.

Her media appearances are vast, and include frequent appearances on all major networks including, ABC, FOX, NBC, NPR, CBS and PBS as the county spokesperson for victims rights. She has appeared on The Today Show, ABC World News with Diane Sawyer, CBS 48 Hours Live to Tell program and E! News online. In 2002, Mrs. Storm also publicly debated Oliver North live on his syndicated talk show Common Sense with Oliver North regarding LGBTQ rights.

She has been profiled or appeared in the following publications; The New York Times, People Magazine, Business Week, The Washington Post, LA Times, San Francisco Chronicle, The New Yorker, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Marie Claire Magazine, Curve Magazine, The Advocate, Time Magazine, Rolling Stone, WE Magazine, Women Magazine and many more.

Mrs. Storm has traveled the country giving keynotes, lectures, workshops, and panel discussions regarding victims’ rights, LGBT rights, addiction and recovery, and civil rights.

Jennifer lives at home in Camp Hill PA with her wife, they are foster parents and adoptive parents of a son.

Jennifer is the author of six critically acclaimed books on addiction, recovery and victimization. Awakening Blackout Girl: A Survivors Guide for Healing from Addiction and Sexual Trauma, Blackout Girl: Tracing my Scars from Addiction and Sexual Assault, Second Edition, Echoes of Penn State: Facing Sexual Trauma, Picking Up the Pieces Without Picking Up: A Guidebook Through Victimization for People in Recovery, Leave the Light On: A Memoir of Recovery and Self-Discovery and Blackout Girl: Growing Up and Drying Out in America.

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Keynote and Presentations

Jennifer’s presentations have won her much praise as she presents an interactive program that looks at one woman’s recovery from addiction, trauma and adversity and identifies key components of what can help a person turn their lives around. Jennifer Storm is the ultimate survivor turned thriver having chronicled her own story of victimization and recovery in her memoirs Blackout Girl: Growing up and Drying out in America, Leave the Light On and Picking Up the Pieces Without Picking Up. As a child and teen survivor of sexual assault as well as a woman in recovery from addiction, Jennifer Storm can speak first hand about the complexities of biological and emotional responses of trauma, understanding sexual identity, the effects of substance abuse and discuss how to obtain and maintain long-term recovery, and victim’s rights. She is the gubernatorial appointed Victim Advocate of the State of Pennsylvania. She is a widely sought-out expert speaker on the subjects of trauma, addiction and victim’s rights. She has worked on several high profile cases including the Jerry Sandusky case, Bill Cosby and Archdiocese of Pennsylvania.

Mrs. Storm will discuss issues related to Alcohol Facilitated Sexual Assault, trauma associated with the aftermath of sexual assault, addiction as a coping mechanism and finally how to heal as a survivor.

The learning environment will be interactive, fun, and educational. Questions and discussion will be encouraged. Ms. Storm has a unique story that can be presented in a variety of ways to a variety of audiences.

She has given hundreds of lectures, keynote presentations, workshops, book readings, etc.

Sexual Assault Specific

The #MeToo Movement has dominated the headlines and the topic of sexual assault is more prevalent now more than ever. As a child and teen survivor of sexual assault, Mrs. Storm talks about her personal struggles and how she made the decision one day to end her silence and use her voice to help others. She can speak specifically about the trauma victims of sexual abuse often endure during the abuse and the aftermath of public scandals. She is also a Penn State graduate and has been looked upon as the victims rights voice inside this horrific victimization. Mrs. Storm is a member of the RAINN Speakers Bureau. RAINN is; The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, it is the nation’s largest anti-sexual assault organization. RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline and carries out programs to prevent sexual assault, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.

Teens/Suicide Prevention

Jennifer Storm knows what it is like to feel ashamed and keep secrets from herself, her parents and her friends. It was those very secrets that almost killed her and kept her sick in her depression, drug abuse and binge drinking. After over 22 years of sobriety and healing from her past traumas, Mrs. Storm can share openly and honestly with teenagers about the importance of talking about their feelings and finding productive ways to process traumatic events. Jennifer has experience dealing with eating disorders, depression, addiction, suicide (her own attempts and her best friends’ completion) and dealing with her sexuality. Her story is vivid and relatable for teenagers and while the content is heavy, Jennifer provides a light, fun and interactive session for young people.


Jennifer Storm has dealt with a multitude of experiences; many common among adolescents and teens, and most that of a parent’s worst nightmare. Suicide, drugs, sexual assault, alcohol and self-mutilation were Jennifer’s reality growing up. Mrs. Storm can give a keen insight into the thoughts, feelings and actions of a traumatized teenager and help encourage parents on how to approach their children and create a much needed– and possibly life saving– dialogue. Mrs. Storm offers a vivid and brutally honest account of her own actions. Hers is a cautionary tale that every parent must hear. She receives countless emails each week from parents seeking assistance, Jennifer can offer a lens with which parents can view their children better.


Jennifer began drinking at the ripe age of twelve and drank alcoholically from the first drink she ever took a sip. Drinking quickly lent itself to recreational drug use which turned to a dark addiction with crack cocaine in her teenage years. Like many addicts, Jennifer used substances to avoid dealing with past trauma and victimization. Her addiction reached a pivotal turning point when she tried to take her own life in sheer desperation and hopelessness. Jennifer came through untold darkness to create for herself a life of accomplishment and joy, through working a twelve-step program of recovery. She has been clean and sober for over 20 years and shares her experience, strength and hope so that others may find recovery and understanding of addiction.

LGBTQ Community

Jennifer knew at a tender age that her primary attraction was towards other girls, and never thought any different of this until her fourth grade teacher told her she was abnormal for sending valentines to a female classmate. At age 10, Jennifer was chased out of her best friends house while being told she was going to hell after her father walked in on them dancing together. After those negative experiences and other societal messages, Jennifer quickly learned to hide her sexuality and turned to drugs and alcohol to help quell the confusion. It took Jennifer over a decade to finally come out of the closet and accept her sexuality. When she did she became a victim of a hate crime via cyber stalking. Since that time she has become an advocate for the gay rights movement and was pivotal in the passage of one of Pennsylvania’s most comprehensive hate crimes laws in the country.

Victim Services Community

Jennifer has over 20 years in the victim services field and has traveled the nation training others on victims rights and victim services. She can offer workshops, keynotes, plenary sessions, be part of panel discussions, provide multi-day workshops on the following topics and more:

  • Victim’s Rights
  • Media Engagement
  • Crisis Response
  • Leadership & Development
  • Model Standards for Victim Services
  • Ethics in Victim’s Services
  • Criminal Justice Reform


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