John G.  Miller

John G. Miller

Question Behind the Question & Personal Accountability Author

In-Person Fee Range:
$30,001 - $50,000
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John G. Miller – Business Speaker

John G. Miller

Question Behind the Question & Personal Accountability Author

In-Person Fee Range:
$30,001 - $50,000
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Why Book

  • John is dedicated to helping organizations and people be outstanding by making personal accountability a core value.  
  • Accountability, responsibility and ownership are put into action when we ask better questions such as, “How can I adapt to the changing world?” “What can I do to develop myself?” and “How can I contribute today?” When we think like this, we use our talent, skills, and time to solve problems, enhance relationships, and accomplish team and personal objectives. The automatic result is a stronger organizational culture and enhanced morale. Only then can we make great things happen.


John G. Miller, founder of QBQ, Inc. was born in 1958 in Ithaca, N. Y. His dad was both the Cornell University wrestling coach and a small town pastor. This is probably why John finds it natural to teach and coach!

As an 18-year-old freshman in college, he asked Karen, age 16, out to a movie and a few short years later they married in June 1980. Hired by Cargill off the Cornell campus to be a “grain trader,” John and Karen lived in three states in five years, eventually settling in Minneapolis, MN. In early 1986, John began a new career providing leadership and sales management training to Twin Cities’ corporations from all industries.

This is how and when John created QBQ! The Question Behind the Question. Throughout a decade of selling and facilitating training to and with executives and middle managers, he discovered the incredible need for personal accountability. In 1995, he chose to become a keynote speaker, titling his sessions “Personal Accountability and the QBQ!”—even though some people told him that “personal accountability isn’t a topic”!

His speaking career took off and John soon began writing books, gaining the new title “author.”

In late 1997, the Millers left Minnesota for Denver, Colorado, where the sun shines over 300 days each year! They have seven children ages 31 to 15 … six girls and one son! As John likes to say, they achieved four “the homemade way” and in 2000 gained three through adoption. They also have three grandchildren.

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Personal Accountability and the QBQ

Based on the best-selling QBQ! book, people at every organizational level have found this “Fast, Frank, and Fun” presentation life-changing. Participants will discover how to practice personal accountability by eliminating blame, complaining, and procrastination by asking ‘The Question Behind the Question.’

Flipping the Switch … Living the QBQ

This presentation enables participants to use the practical tool called “QBQ!” to bring five “Advantage Principles” to life. These core ideas are; Learning, Ownership, Creativity, Service, and Trust.

Be Outstanding

Filled with practical ideas that can – and should – be used by individuals and teams from the boardroom to the stockroom. John’s presentation will help your people and organization become outstanding!

John G. Miller Reviews

“Thanks for joining our event John. Your presentation was the hot topic at the event and lots of references were made to the book. I also heard lots of people on Tuesday afternoon and Wed am, saying to each other “wait a second, you’re doing what the speaker said not to do”. Your message definitely sunk in.”

— CNH Construction Equipment

Was a home run. He did a super super job. Scratched the itch for my boss, so I big thank you. Hoping your marketing him … He makes you all look good!

— L-3 Communications


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