This week, I’m continuing to investigate the advantages (or disadvantages) to Google+. Really, will it make my work day more efficient or slow it down? Frankly, I need answers (and so do you, right?). So, I decided to go after expert advice, and who better than humorous keynote speaker Bob Hirschfeld to explain it all in a way that makes me laugh. My question for him was, “Bob, how do you think Google+ is going to impact our social media world?”
Using Google+… by Bob Hirschfeld
So I was Tweeting about my latest Facebook status regarding my LinkedIn update on my new YouTube speaker preview video featured in my Tumblr blog, when I received a text message from a Yammer friend alerting me that Google was launching a social media service, Google +. “Yikes,” I thought, “How can I handle yet more social media when I barely have time to be social in person?”
Yet I couldn’t refuse the Google digital empire when I’m already so enmeshed in it with Gmail, Google Search, Voice, Talk, Docs, Loafers, Calendar, Earth, Maps, Sponge, Shopping, News, Fertilizer, the Chrome browser and even their Google Brain app, which responds to my emails and text messages for me using predictive artificial intelligence, so I have more time for social media.
My initial impression of Google + is that the company must have spent a fortune on market research to come with the name. Probably barely edged out the minus sign. I do like their approach of letting you form distinct circles of friends with which to share information, so you can more easily separate all your fake friends from the real ones. This way you can actually share something personal only with true friends, while sharing professional news only with business contacts and avoid sounding to your actual friends like you’re some self-absorbed braggart. Google + will only be effective though if all your other contacts come to this playground or else it may end up being strewn with more digital tumbleweeds than Friendster.
Need a humorous way to navigate through technology and social media? Bring in Bob Hirschfeld to your next corporate event. For booking information, contact Eagles Talent Speakers Bureau here or call 1-800-345-5607.
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