Leadership expert and best-selling author, Chester Elton provides sound tips to leaders for better company focus.
It’s hard for company leaders to ignore the news. The headlines are somewhere between real, sensational, and speculation. Recently, there’s been an enormous focus on the fluctuating stock market, global politics, and now, for some, a natural disaster (hurricane Irene). If you’re watching the news, wondering how it will affect your business, you’re not alone, the rest of your company is as well. So, how do you remove the negative water cooler talk that can often happen?
According to Chester Elton, during a recent interview with CBS radio, he reminds business leaders there are things you just can’t control. It’s important that you share with your company the things you can control.
For the most part, a crisis like the stock market or natural disaster is out of our control. While we need to be prepared as possible, we cannot predict or change the outcome. “Control what you can,” said Elton, “focus on: What can we deliver to our customers today?” Otherwise, by focusing on the outside crisis, you might be “disappointing the customer”—causing a much bigger crisis for the company. The key is to figure out how everyone can contribute and make a positive difference to have happier customers.
Chester also suggests that business leaders keep the lines open, after all, the perception of “no news is not good.” Instead, share with your company the current goals. Let them know the company’s direction and how it’s doing, rather than having them guess and gossip.
Chester Elton is an expert on leadership and management. In addition, he’s the New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-selling author of ‘The Carrot Principle.’ Chester is available for booking through Eagles Talent Speakers Bureau. You can contact us here, or call 1-800-345-5607.
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