Summer is a season devoted to leisure and relaxation. For many, the transition from Summer to Autumn represents an overall shift in attitude and stress levels. Jones Loflin is an expert on work-life balance who understands that finding a healthy median between work and play is essential to living a happy life. The seasons may be changing, but that doesn’t mean your work-life balance has to change with them. Here are some tips from Jones:
“Anytime we can get people to laugh, it causes them to relax.”
Find humor in the little things. Summer nights may be filled with laughter and happiness, but that doesn’t mean a change in the weather needs to put an end to that. Find something you love that makes you smile and dedicate some time towards it. Explore seasonal activities (i.e. pumpkin carving, snowman building) that relieve stress and make people smile. Just a little bit of laughter creates a shift in your happiness and overall mood—it’s science.
“Dig to the bottom of what’s causing that stress…Now what’s one small step you can take to move forward?”
Typically, stress is much deeper than the surface level issue it presents itself as. The most important step in tackling stress is taking a moment to address the root of the issue. While it is easy to blame a broken windshield wiper for an emotional outburst, the real cause of your stress is probably something deeper—maybe the change in weather is adding an extra thirty minutes to your work commute? Addressing the real issue is the only way to move forward accordingly (i.e. readjusting your route to work to reduce commute time) and prevent stress.
“Just stop; give yourself 15/30 minutes to…go to a place of less stress—whether that’s physically, mentally or emotionally.”
The worst decision one can make when handling stress is to push forward without rest. This can lead to physical and mental exhaustion as well as a slew of other health issues. Jones recommends taking a moment to stop and decompress. Allocate fifteen minutes of your day to unwinding in a stress-free zone. For many the beach is a “place of less stress,” but as Autumn approaches it is important to adjust your stress-free zone, not abandon it. For example, instead of the beach, take fifteen minutes to visit a local park and unwind from the day’s chaos.
Want more life balance tips? Listen to our full podcast interview with Jones Loflin here.
In case you missed our Summer Interview series, watch our recap below.
Watch Amelia Rose Earhart’s full interview here.
Watch Jones Loflin’s full interview here.
Watch Lisa Copeland’s full interview here.
Watch Janine Shepherd’s interview here.
See you next season!
To book Jones Loflin call Eagles Talent: 1.800.345.5607 or click here to visit Jones Loflin’s keynote speaker profile page.
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