Max Major is a world-renowned mentalist living in Las Vegas, NV. His performances, showcasing real life Jedi mind tricks, are featured at corporate events around the world. In addition to his studies in influence, Major relies heavily on his skills at reading body language, which he has honed over the course of 3500 live shows. His clients include the world’s largest corporations, Facebook, Microsoft, CSX, Costco, Google as well as command performances for the world’s elite (Chief Justice John Roberts, Redskins Owner Dan Snyder, Eccentric Billionaire Richard Branson, and more).
In 2020, Max Major was invited to compete on the 15th season of America’s Got Talent. In addition to being the breakout star of the season, he became the first contestant in the history of AGT to make it from an online audition all the way to the finals. After witnessing Max Major’s mind reading first hand Simon Cowell called it “One of the most astonishing things I’ve seen in my entire life.”
In addition to his work on television, Max Major is the most followed mentalist on the planet. His viral videos performing mind reading on strangers have surpassed more than 1 Billion views in 2022!
In the last 5 years he has been called before two Department of Defense Intelligence Agencies to demonstrate his innovative techniques in hypnosis, body language and influence.