Michael  Kerr

Michael Kerr

One of North America’s Most Influential and Entertaining Workplace Culture Thought Leaders

In-Person Fee Range:
$7,501 - $10,000
Traveling from:
Alberta, Canada
Keynote Clip

Michael Kerr

One of North America’s Most Influential and Entertaining Workplace Culture Thought Leaders

In-Person Fee Range:
$7,501 - $10,000
Fee Details
Traveling from:
Alberta, Canada

Why Book

  • Michael’s on a mission to turbo charge inspiring, happy, and humane workplace cultures that drive extraordinary results.
  • Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame inductee Michael Kerr is an international business speaker, very funny motivational speaker, and workshop trainer.
  • Michael presents a high-energy, inspiring, funny, idea-rich keynote presentation that exceeds expectations and delivers a memorable and impactful experience for your audience; a presentation that is thought-provoking, relevant, funny and inspiring all at once.


For more than 25 years, Michael has traveled the world researching, writing, and speaking about inspiring workplace cultures, inspiring leaders, and businesses that leverage their humor resources to drive outrageous results for their employees and their customers.

He is known as one of North America’s leading speakers on creating high-performing, service-first cultures. His high-energy, hilarious, inspiring, and thought-provoking presentations are often rated as having the greatest impact and relevance of any presentation at a conference, which is why Michael has been listed as one of Canada’s most-requested business speakers.

Michael has delivered his captivating keynote presentations and training workshops to more than 3,000 audiences, from Austria to Australia, from Boston to Bermuda, from Cleveland to Calgary.

His presentations offer relevant, practical ideas delivered with his memorable brand of clean humor. “Inspiring,” “hilarious,” “energizing,” “fabulous ideas,” and “incredibly relevant and timely content,” are phrases clients repeatedly use to describe the impact of his presentations.

His ideas on building better workplace cultures have been featured in hundreds of publications worldwide, while hisInspiring Workplaces blog has been recognized as one of the top-30 workplace blogs in the world.

Michael is also the creator of the Culture Leadership Academy online course and a LinkedIn learning course on exceeding customers’ expectations.

Michael lives in Canmore, Alberta, one hour west of Calgary in the inspiring Canadian Rockies.

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Small Moments, Big Outcomes: How to Create an Inspiring Culture that Drives Outrageous Results

Your workplace culture is your #1 competitive advantage.

But here’s the rub. Great cultures don’t just happen! You can’t fake a great culture or buy your culture at IKEA!

You need to be intentional about your workplace culture. And you need to enlist everyone’s support to contribute to a purpose-driven, happier, more resilient, innovative, collaborative, and service-focused culture.

One of the things that so many inspiring workplaces do so successfully, in fact, is they hold their employees accountable not just for the work they do, but for how they contribute to to a more positive workplace environment.

And the great news is, it truly is the smallest of moments that make all the difference!

This presentation is geared for all employees at any level in any organization, or it can be customized for only front line employees or for senior leadership teams.

If you want to leave your audience laughing, inspired, and armed with practical, relevant ideas they can immediately put into practice to make a real difference in your workplace, this talk is for you!

Leaders Leading Leaders: Great Cultures Begin With Intentional Leadership From the Top

Great workplace cultures don’t happen by accident, and they don’t happen without intentional leadership.

I use the term ‘intentional,’ well, intentionally. I’ve interviewed 100s of leaders around the world, and inspiring leaders tell me time and again that the key to their success as a leader starts by simply being more intentional about being a leader.

Which means knowing there’s a difference between being a manager or boss and being a leader. Being intentional means consciously making decisions and choices about your attitude and behaviors that reflect and demonstrate real leadership.

Intentional leadership is about creating more leaders at work, not more followers, which is why so many high-achieving organizations embrace the mantra “we are leaders leading leaders.”

This presentation is geared for anyone in a supervisory or management role including seasoned leaders, unseasoned leaders, leaders who have lost their mojo, and every leader in between.

If you want to leave your audience inspired and armed with relevant ideas they can immediately put into practice to be more intentional about how they lead, then this talk is for you!

The Jerk-Free Workplace: How to Take the Lead When You’re Not The Boss

As I explain in my book, The Jerk-Free Workplacethis presentation is more than just about shining a spotlight on jerk-like attitudes and behaviors that might lead to conflict and poor morale in your workplace.

It’s about the need for all your employees, regardless of their position or role, to step up, take responsibility, be accountable for their actions, and embrace the power they have as leaders to create a greater future for themselves and for your workplace.

This presentation celebrates the idea that everyone has the potential to step up as a leader. And if you want to create a happier, more collaborative, and more innovative culture that drives outrageous results, you absolutely NEED to encourage all your employees to embrace a leadership mindset.

This presentation is for anyone who wants to build a more collaborative, caring, and positive workplace culture. And to achieve that goal, you truly need EVERYONE to step up as a leader, which is why this presentation is suitable for everyone in your organization — at every level.

If you’re ready to kick jerk-like behaviors to the curb, let’s talk!

The Humor Advantage: Putting Humor to Work for Less Stress and More Success

Argus Industries embraces a mantra that I think every workplace should embrace: “Work is hard enough as it is without making it any harder!

Which is why Argus, along with hundreds of other high-performing companies around the world, embrace humor as one of their core values.

I’ve visited dozens of inspiring workplaces around the world that take their humor, well, seriously! And for good reason. Study after study reveals how humor helps companies reduce employee turnover rates, lower stress levels, build resiliency, and improve morale, collaboration, and communication.

Although all my presentations are known for their humor, this presentation is the one that’s the most fun!

If you’re looking for a high-energy, laughter-filled conference kick off, if you want to leave attendees feeling inspired at the end of your conference, or you need an energizing break from a heavy agenda, then this is the talk for you!

Inspiring Change at Work: How to Champion Innovation and Turn Ideas Into Action

In my 20+ years of speaking, I don’t think I’ve ever had a client say, “You know Michael, we’re just not experiencing much change these days. We’ve been cruising along on auto-pilot, embracing the status quo for the last three decades or so!”

Change is happening on so many levels and at a faster pace than ever before. And if the pace of change outside your company exceeds the pace of change on the inside, it’s just a matter of time before you’re going to be in trouble. Serious trouble.

You have three options really, when it comes to your relationship with change. You can ghost it (in other words, cover your eyes and ears and ignore it), you can host it (learn to adapt to the change that is happening around you), or you can toast it (by embracing and leading change).*

(*Ghost it, host it or toast it. Okay, come on, you have to admit that’s pretty good! I just thought of it as I’m writing this in the moment and I have to confess, I’m very proud of it.)     

This presentation is for anyone who is experiencing a lot of change at work or struggling with how to get employees to embrace change. Or, maybe everyone has become a little too comfortable with the status quo and you need to shake things up.

If you’re looking to inspire attendees with great ideas that will help them champion change and turn ideas into action, then let’s talk!

Creating a Service-First Culture: Why You Need to Stop Providing Good Customer Service!

“Over 80% of companies believe they have fantastic customer service. Only 8% of their customers agree.” Harvard Business case study

Okay, so I’m being slightly facetious with the title. But hear me out.

Since your customers already expect “good customer service,” all you’re doing by providing “good customer service” is staying out of the customer service doghouse or staying out of customer service jail. All you’re doing is meeting expectations. Yawn.

You’re never going to stand out from the herd and earn a reputation for your phenomenal service if you don’t do one of two things:

  1. Exceed your customers’ expectations of good customer service
  2. Do something different than your competitors

And this customer service mindset begins on the inside.

This presentation is for any organization that wants to inspire their employees to go beyond providing “just” good customer service. It’s for companies that want to be known for their remarkable service and who want to create a service-first mindset within their entire culture.

If you want to leave your participants armed with fun ideas that will help them lead with a service-first approach, then let’s talk!

Hire, Inspire, and Fuel Their Fire: How to Recruit, Onboard, and Train New Employees to Live Your Culture Out Loud!

You cannot create a rocking, innovative, service-first culture without getting your hiring, onboarding, and training right! As the old mantra goes, “If you hire wrong, you can do no right, but if you hire right, you can do no wrong!”

Everything starts with hiring the right people – the people that are a right fit for you; the employees that are going to grow your culture in the direction you need to take it.

This is an essential topic for leaders who understand the significant costs associated with a bad hire and, conversely, the enormous benefit of recruiting top talent who are a perfect fit for your company.

Participants will love Michael’s unique take on this in-demand topic and appreciate the many relevant ideas based on Michael’s extensive interviews with CEOs, senior managers, and HR professionals from around the world who are using innovative techniques with their recruitment and onboarding.

This presentation is for hiring managers, HR managers, recruiters, small business owners, or anyone who plays a role in your recruitment, hiring, and onboarding. This is an ideal presentation for those who want to make a serious investment in getting your hiring and onboarding RIGHT!

Michael Kerr Reviews

“Many of the head office staff thought you were the best keynote speaker we’ve ever had! Thank-you for your invigorating and energizing keynote presentation.”
— Territory Manager, Shell Canada
“Yours was one of the most effective, enlightening, and entertaining presentations we’ve ever had at a conference (and we’ve had a lot!).”
— Executive Director, ClimateCare Co-operative
“YOU ROCK! Michael had everyone in stitches and offered amazing workplace food for thought.”
— Program Administrator, Co-operative Education, Wilfred Laurier University
“I’ve seen Michael four times – he’s amazing. You come away with knowledge on how to make your workplace better and you don’t even realize you were being taught because you are so busy being entertained.”
— Owner, MicAr Marketing
“Michael exceeded our expectations in every aspect. He was nothing short of the star of our event. By far, the best speaker we’ve ever had!”
— VP, Business Development, Century Vallen


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