With Memorial Day around the corner and Military Appreciation Month coming to a close, we want to acknowledge fallen heroes who had the courage to make the ultimate sacrifice. Heroes like the husband of Military widow, Taryn Davis.
Taryn Davis’ story doesn’t end the day she became a Military Widow. In fact, it was the beginning of the next chapter of her life which lead her to become an inspiration to women all across the globe.
On May 21, 2007 she tragically lost the love of her life to roadside bombs in Iraq. What began as her own personal journey, has expanded into a non-profit organization called American Widow Project, a documentary film, and a growing website. When she found out that the average age of a service member is 26, and 51% of those serving are married – she realized she was not alone. Through this experience, she has found that true love is eternal and she chooses to share that through her keynote presentations. Despite her traumatic experience, she was able to set an example for other struggling widows and is able to show them how to handle trauma. As a speaker, Taryn’s goal is to help others find their true calling. Although this story is a troubling one — it’s a reminder to all of us of how grateful we are to those who have lost their lives in order to save ours.
Here at Eagles Talent, we give our ultimate thanks to anyone who has previously served or is currently serving. We salute you. Thank you.
To hear Taryn’s full story, please watch the video below.
For more videos on Military Survival stories, click here.
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