Pamela  Peeke, MD

Pamela Peeke, MD

Best Selling Author of Body for Life for Women & Fight Fat After 40

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Pamela Peeke, MD

Pamela Peeke, MD

Best Selling Author of Body for Life for Women & Fight Fat After 40

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    Dr. Pamela Peeke is a nationally renowned physician, scientist, expert and thought leader in the

    fields of integrative, preventive and lifestyle medicine. Dr. Peeke is a Pew Foundation Scholar in

    Nutrition and Metabolism, Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland, holds dual

    masters’ degrees in public health and policy from the University of California at Berkeley, and is a

    Fellow of both the American College of Physicians and the American College of Sports Medicine. Dr.

    Peeke was recently elected to the American College of Sports Medicine’s Board of Trustees,

    expanding upon her existing leadership positions with the Exercise is Medicine global initiative. Dr.

    Peeke is a member of the Senior Olympics Foundation board and is a competing Senior Olympic


    Dr. Peeke is a thought leader and faculty at Harvard University’s Institute of Coaching where she

    guides corporate leaders as an executive coach. Dr. Peeke is featured in the National Institutes of

    Health’s “Changing Face of Medicine” exhibit on the history of women physicians at the National

    Library of Medicine. She has been named one of America’s top physicians by the Consumers

    Research Council of America. Dr. Peeke has received national recognition from the fitness and

    nutrition industries for her continuing leadership and expertise.

    As a senior research fellow at the National Institutes of Health’s Institute of Child Health and Human

    Development, Dr. Peeke was the recipient of the National Health Research Science Fellowship and

    Intramural Research Training Award while conducting her original research on the relationship

    between belly fat distribution, trauma and stress. As lifestyle expert for WebMD’s 90 million

    members, Dr. Peeke established a multi-media educational platform including podcasts, videos, and

    community exchanges. As Chief Medical Correspondent for Discovery Health television, she was

    featured in the award-winning National Body Challenge series, as well as her Could You

    Survive mini-series. Dr. Peeke is a regular in-studio medical commentator for the national networks including Good Morning

    America, ABC Nightline, Today Show, CNN, Fox News, the BBC and Huffington Post Live. She is a regular blogger for Huffington

    Post, US News and World Report, and Prevention, among others.

    Dr. Peeke is host of the popular HER radio show broadcast on iHeart, iTunes and RadioMD, and

    which features news, guest experts, celebrities and lively commentary about women’s health and


    Dr. Peeke is an acclaimed TED presenter with over 1 million views for her Wall Street TED talk

    which took place on the stage of the New York Stock Exchange. Dr. Peeke is a popular and sought

    after national keynote speaker in integrative and preventive medicine. Dr. Peeke is a three-time New

    York Times bestselling author including Fight Fat after Forty, Body for Life for Women, and The

    Hunger Fix: The 3 Stage Detox and Recovery Plan for Overeating and Food Addiction. Dr. Peeke is

    a science and health advisor for APPLE, developing apps for use in the enhancement of stress

    resilience and healthy lifestyle habits. Dr. Peeke is emeritus board member of the International Spa

    Association where she pioneered the integration of complementary medicine and spa therapeutics.

    Dr. Peeke has teamed with the US Surgeon General to create the Surgeon General Walks for a

    Healthy and Fit Nation. She is a member of the Maryland Governor’s Council on Fitness and is

    national spokesperson for the American College of Sports Medicine’s Exercise is Medicine global

    campaign. She is senior editor of the women’s health section in the current Lifestyle Medicine

    textbook, authoring the comprehensive chapter on women’s body composition throughout the

    lifespan. Dr. Peeke is a speaker and educator for the Harvard Institute of Coaching, as well as the

    Benjamin Franklin Institute for mental and behavioral health professionals.

    As founder of the Peeke Performance Center for Healthy Living™, Dr. Peeke guides men and

    women in their quest to optimize their quality of life and longevity.  Dr. Peeke’s lifestyle coaching

    program is a holistic and integrative program that incorporates her trademark Mind, Mouth and

    Muscle lifestyle behavioral blueprint to manage mental health, nutrition and fitness associated with

    the challenges of living and working in the 21st century globally.

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    Medicate With Movement

    Dr. Peeke presents the impact of physical activity on mind and body functioning— from mood to mammograms. She lays out the power of exercise on mental and immune function, aging, sleep, sexual function, and medical conditions. Dr. Peeke describes her Peeke Prescription from her book Fit to Live to achieve optimal endurance, strength, balance, flexibility and core function.

    Integrative Fitness: The New Body Mind Science

    Dr. Peeke defines her new term “integrative fitness” as the totality of mental, spiritual and physical fitness necessary for optimal, sustainable wellness. She traces the history of mind and body science from the Cartesian model to the current developments in neuroplasticity. Dr. Peeke describes the complex networks of brain chemicals and hormonal systems that link brain and body systems (the BodyMind), and their impact on immune function, growth and the aging process. Dr. Peeke presents a blueprint and action plan for optimizing the Body-Mind.

    Stressed For Success

    Using her pivotal research at the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Peeke describes the relationship between chronic elevations of stress hormone (Toxic Stress) and its effect on the aging process, immune function, memory, the deposition of fat deep inside the belly. Drawing from her books (Fight Fat after Forty: The Stress-Fat Connection; Fit to Live), Dr. Peeke presents the five essential elements necessary to optimize an individual’s ability to minimize or eliminate Toxic Stress, and increase the quantity and quality of life.

    A Mission Statement: Stay Alert And Vertical

    Dr. Peeke describes the secrets of success of the centenarians. Using work done by Pearls at Harvard, and Snowdon’s Nun’s Study, Dr. Peeke lays down a simple road map of lifestyle habits that are shared by the majority of the gold medal winners in longevity. The mental, spiritual and physical habits and practices of the 100 year olds are related to their effect on medical conditions over the course of a lifetime. Dr. Peeke challenges men and women with a simple assessment of mental, nutritional, and physical tests, and then outlines her easy and accessible path to high quality longevity.

    Girth Of A Nation: Live This Lifestyle At Your Own Risk

    Dr. Peeke puts today’s 24/7 lifestyle in perspective by presenting the evolution of American life from agrarian to high tech, from combines to computers. She draws the parallels between expanding economies and widening waistlines, and the ultimate medical, health and lifespan consequences. Dr. Peeke presents ten simple steps to regaining control of girth and wellness.


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