You may have seen Peggy Klaus on Nightline, the Today Show, and 20/20, or read her advice in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, Fortune and O magazine. Author of two best-selling books, BRAG! The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn Without Blowing It and The Hard Truth About Soft Skills: Workplace Lessons Smart People Wish They’d Learned Sooner, her client list reads like a who’s who of Fortune 500, mid size and start-up companies.
Named 2016’s coach of the year, Peggy brings her vast expertise in leadership and communication to all levels of the organization, from the C-suite to managers and associates, with a host of soft skill topics including Executive Presence, Branding, Navigating the Narrow Band, Succeeding Despite Gender Barriers, Setting Vision & Strategy, Making the Perfect Pitch and of course, the Art of Bragging. After the 2016 election, Peggy added yet another dimension to her work, coaching political candidates to effectively communicate their values and vision with authenticity and candor.
Taking her message from the boardroom to the classroom, she has lectured to both students and faculty at universities across the country including: the University of California, Berkeley (Haas School of Business, Boalt School of Law, and the School of Public Health & Sciences), Harvard University’s School of Public Health, Wharton’s Executive MBA Program, the University of Virginia and Pepperdine University School of Law.
The youngest of four girls, Peggy’s life long dedication to the empowerment of girls and women can be seen throughout her career, from her BRAG! Connections program which reaches thousands of aspiring teens and disadvantaged women, as well as her work as a member of the Women’s Leadership Board at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, the Financial Women’s Association of San Francisco, the Young Women’s Leadership Network, the Grace Institute and SAGE Scholars program. Because of her cutting edge work around women in leadership she continues to be sought-after as both a coach and speaker for leading women’s groups including The Network for Executive Women, the National Association of Female Executives and LeanIn while also contributing regularly to top media outlets on issues of gender, communication & leadership. In an earlier incarnation, Peggy earned advanced degrees in drama, speech, and theatre from the London-based Royal Academy of Music and the Drama Studio. She began her career as an actor and classical singer before moving to Hollywood to become a producer, director and talent coach., working with actors, comedians, musicians, and broadcast news talent in productions for Paramount Studios, Warner Brothers, ABC, CBS, and NBC.
When not coaching, speaking or traveling, Peggy resides in Berkeley, California where she can be found walking her pup Ernie, and enjoying the incredible beauty and culture of the bay area. For more visit