In honor of Women’s History month, we did a Q & A with a few of our most inspiring woman speakers. We asked them several questions about what in their history, helped shape who they are today!
Women like …
Q: When you were a little girl, did you have a female role model? Who?
A: When I was a little girl I wanted to grow up to be just like Princess Diana.
Q: If so, what about her inspired you? Did you apply it to help accomplish your goals?
A: I always loved being the princess when I was young and that’s no different as I am older. Ha Ha. But she always had such sense of purpose and grace. Even though she was royalty and seemed untouchable, she genuinely loved her children. She was fiercely protective of them, but had such a kindness and warmth to her personality. She was strong and stoic, yet, very loving and generous. Ironically, it’s how I always aspired to be with my children and thinking about it, I presume I did take something away from the Princess.
Q: Since you have become a public figure, is there a little girl that you inspire? If so, in what ways did you help her?
A: If there is any little girl I hope to inspire, it is my own daughter, Reese. She is the spitting image of her mother, not just in looks, but in personality. She is a very strong, opinionated, loving, and caring little girl and I hope that I can teach her to share those traits with the world. She’s smart, funny, and incredibly talented, and will have so much to give to others as she grows up. My most important job is to raise her to become a productive, strong, and giving woman. Hard yes it is, but I love every minute of it.
Q: In your opinion, who is the most inspirational woman in history? Why?
A: Tough question here. There are so many women who I think are inspirational, however, I guess because I had the incredible opportunity to meet President Barack Obama, I would have to say Michelle Obama. It was obvious when visiting with the President that the real boss behind the scenes is Michelle Obama. She is the glue that holds everything together; the family, her husband and the messages they try to convey. She is not just the First Lady, she is a woman all on her own; strong, opinionated, passionate, and caring. I guess that’s why they say, “behind every good man, there is a great woman.” She leads her family, they follow her cues, she’s the glue …
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…then read what others like Anne Mahlum, had to say during the Women’s History Month Q & A series.
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