Why book Devon Harris for your next event?
Devon Harris is simply one of the greatest athletes of the 20th century. From very humble beginnings, Devon Harris overcame all obstacles when he was chosen to lead his home country of Jamaica to the world stage in the 1988 Winter Olympics. At the heart of Devon’s keynote presentations are the lessons he has learned of the power of persistence over all sorts of obstacles in order to live your best life. His mission is to bring his message of how everyone can keep on pushing and working for their dreams every day of their professional as well as personal lives. His triumphant story was featured in the hit Disney movie “Cool Runnings” and he exemplifies dedication and fortitude and inspires audiences to “keep on pushing”. As a motivational speaker, Devon brings his experience of winning and team building and tailors his success story to fit every kind of audience.
Program Description
Hot Lessons from Cool Runnings – Coaching for Personal and Professional Success
This program addresses the powerful role teamwork plays in both your personal and professional life. A high level of team work has been responsible, in part, for a great home environment, miracle drugs, breakthrough technologies, Olympic medals, and conquests of space and sea because these teams have the ability to synergistically harness their members’ talents and energy.
The Power and Magic of Teamwork
This program addresses the powerful role teamwork plays in both your personal and professional life. A high level of team work has been responsible, in part, for a great home environment, miracle drugs, breakthrough technologies, Olympic medals, and conquests of space and sea because these teams have the ability to synergistically harness their members’ talents and energy.
Out of many; One: An Olympic Athlete’s View of Diversity in the Workplace
A fresh look at how diversity in the workplace is not just a legal mandate or corporate ethic – it is fundamentally practical, and brings the best teams to the playing field. Devon brings a creative and inspiring look at how at work, as in the Olympics, what really matters is performance, attitude and teamwork.
Keep On Pushing™: An Olympic Athlete’s Message of Persistence
Devon brings his entertaining and effective message of how to ‘keep on pushing’, how persistence is a key catalyst in any success formula. Devon’s presentation blends the need for every part of an organization to have the ability to persist, but not without good doses of wisdom, preparation, talent, teamwork, humor, passion, hard work and smart planning.
For more information on booking Devon Harris for one of your events, check out her page on our website or call our office at 1.800.345.5607.
The needs for this subject can really vary, so connect with one of our members to determine the best message.
Email us at info@eaglestalent.com or call us at 1-973-313-9800.