Ron  Shuali M.Ed.

Ron Shuali M.Ed.

Educator, Speaker, Trainer

In-Person Fee Range:
$7,501 - $10,000
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Ron Shuali, M.ED. Conference Friendly Sizzle Reel

Ron Shuali M.Ed.

Educator, Speaker, Trainer

In-Person Fee Range:
$7,501 - $10,000
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Why Book

  • Ron’s keynote programs and workshops are designed to engage every audience and immediately enlist the audience’s commitment to listen and learn. Through fun and comedy, Ron activates the “yearning for learning” that resides inside us all while watching audiences have life changing “Ah-HA!” moments. You’ve never experienced a speaker like him before!


Ron Shuali, M.Ed. has been called the “Messiah of the Mind.” His laughter filled keynotes, workshops and assemblies are always full of eye-opening experiences as audiences have multiple “Ah-HA!” moments. Ron holds a Master of Education, is a best-selling author, motivational speaker, and most importantly…He is funny. 

His study of martial arts, yoga, reiki and improv creates hilarious and educational experiences. Ron’s team of Yenseis teach children his award-winning Yogarate® program at many preschools, including the preschool at the United Nations.

Specializes In:

• Behavior Management

• Bullying Solutions

• Social Emotional Learning

• Management Training

• Staff Retention

• Conflict Resolution

• Team Building

• Physical and Mental Well Being

• Workplace Morale and Joy

The Philosophy is Simple:

Ron’s keynote programs and workshops are designed to engage every audience and immediately enlist the audience’s commitment to listen and learn. Through fun and comedy, Ron activates the “yearning for learning” that resides inside us all.

“Each participant WILL learn 3 tools that will enhance their lives forever.  That is my commitment, my guarantee, and my promise to you!”

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Breaking the Bullying Circle: The bully doesn’t only exist in the school yard

Workplace bullying develops from a compulsive need to displace aggression and is often an expression of perceived inadequacy (social, personal, interpersonal, behavioral, professional). Bully’s project their own perceived inadequacies onto others through control and subjugation (criticism, exclusion, isolation etc).

Bullying is sustained by abdication of responsibility (denial, counter-accusation, pretence of victimhood) and perpetuated by a climate of fear, ignorance, indifference, silence, denial, disbelief, deception, evasion of accountability, tolerance and reward (e.g.: promotion) for the bully.

What if your employees would work hard for your company without having any feelings of spite or competition towards each other? Would you be interested in learning effective communication skills that would help employees feel empowered rather than intimidated? You don’t like to be told what to do, so why would your staff?

What if you could effectively deter possible victim violence by helping your team actively take a role in changing their work environment into a bully free zone.

These techniques have been shown to reinforce positive work behaviors as employees are given choices instead of commands. Showing your employees how to get past their own challenges works better than just assuming they know what to do. Bring in Shua Life Skills to energize, empower, and enlighten your organization.

THE (Team Heart Experience) Workshop

Participants enjoy the opportunity to play games and interact with their teammates, working together towards a common goal. Leadership and communication skills will be used and improved as we demonstrate effective listening skills, rephrase verbiage to promote positivity and learn how to maintain a happy work environment by decreasing our own negative self-talk.

-Provide a practical overview of team dynamics
-Give each participant insight about their style and the styles of others on the team
-Offer solid tactics for communicating better within the team
-Identify trigger words and phrases
-Provide multiple exercises to allow for self-discovery and open conversations
-Participants will be empowered with an understanding that they are responsible for their own happiness, in and outside of the workplace

REP Workshop: When we do REPs we increase the strength within!

Responsibility – What am I thinking and is it real?  Ron will point to behaviors that most, if not all, of the attendees will relate to which will increase immediately create a shift that in attendees mindset to own their responsibility.  You are responsible for the thoughts that create the scenarios you live.

Expectations – Why didn’t they do that when I thought they should? Attendees will quickly gain access to a quick and easy way to build effective and efficient systems and processes within their team.  If we only think about a great idea, our team will not know about it.  Communicate expectations and see results!

Pause – Who benefits when we are mindful?  Ron will run through an interactive word game with an attendee to show how often our robotic responses are negative.  Ron will easily show attendees how to pause before responding to share information that is mindful and positive.

B.E.S.T.: Busy Employee’s Solution to Training

Sick days, carpal tunnel pain, back aches, stress, and depression are just some causes for decreased focus and efficiency. This is a major problem in many small and large businesses. Luckily every problem has a solution. The only solution for your company is the B.E.S.T. solution.

The Busy Employee’s Solution to Training (B.E.S.T.) is a fun and dynamic workshop that will have your employees stretching and strengthening their muscles, learning how to breathe properly, and reducing and relieving continuous work hindering pains like carpal tunnel, neck, lower back, sciatic, and knee pain, all from the comfort of their chairs. As they get stronger and healthier, they get happier and more effective. As they remove nagging pains, they become happier and more effective.

Ron Shuali M.Ed. Reviews

‘It is with great pleasure that I write a letter of recommendation for Mr. Ron Shuali. Ron has partnered with the Educational Information and Research Center (EIRC) over the past 5 years, to expand his potential for workshop and assembly services in New Jersey, especially in the southern regions of the state. Ron’s topics and talents were diverse and included student behaviors, stress, bullying, strangers, health, and physical education. Like EIRC, perhaps your school district can benefit from partnering with Ron and using his talents to your advantage.”


“I wanted to thank you for coming to work with my students at Montclair State University. As a graduate instructor, I often look for engaging and dynamic speakers to enhance the relevant topics in early childhood education. When I saw you present at the NJAEYC Conference in October, I thought you would be a perfect guest presenter.

The class you spoke with is a group of graduate students learning about creating partnerships with families of students with disabilities. I believe that your focus on behavior management and adult/child interactions was particularly beneficial to my classroom full of working teachers. Judging by the feedback I received, my students were very pleased with the lecture. They commented about how relevant and applicable the techniques were to their classrooms and the children with whom they work. They also appreciated the energy and enthusiasm you bring to the topic as your aura is contagious. It was a pleasure having you as a guest in my classroom and I thank you for your contributions to our class and their work as teachers educating our future generations.”

— Montclair State University Department of Early Childhood, Elementary and Literacy Education

“I attended this program and it was GREAT! Great, great, great! We loved it, laughed hard and learned some new techniques. This guy might be fun to have as a person who comes in and works with the kids, even if it’s on a quarterly basis. The fact that his techniques work with my son is amazing to me – I am loving it. Just wanted to give you some terrific feedback and thank you for making this available to us. If the teachers have an opportunity to see Ron in action – I would highly recommend it. Again, it’s like seeing a stand-up comic perform where you actually learn something.”

— Parent Testimonial about Behavior Management Workshop

“I would like to take an opportunity to offer a formal recommendation for Ron Shuali. As a educator in the Swedesboro-Woolwich School district I had the opportunity to work with Ron for our school’s annual district-wide in-service day on May 22, 2009. The workshop received rave verbal reviews as well as high praise on the district’s satisfaction surveys. Some comments include:

• “very engaging and animated”   •   “excellent presentation, very informative”  •  “the presenter had a very appealing energy that shined through and was very contagious”.  I believe that Ron exhibits many of the qualities that are essential to any school district’s professional development philosophy and goals. I highly recommend Ron Shuali. I hope that you will carefully consider him as a strong candidate that exhibits enthusiasm, dedication, and an incredible initiative.”

— Carin A. Cooper

“I am writing in regards to the professional qualifications of Ron Shuali. I met Ron in March of 2009, when he led a professional development workshop on behavior management. Ron was a dynamic presenter, and his high energy got the staff interested and excited. Many of us have done professional development on behavior management before, but this workshop was different. Ron has a great way of interacting with the audience which makes people eager to learn. He uses real life examples and stories to keep people interested. During the workshop, teachers also practiced methods that they could use in their classroom when dealing with a student who was not behaving. After the workshop, teachers were able to implement Ron’s techniques immediately into their everyday routines and received positive feedback from their students. The administration and many teachers are looking forward to bringing Ron back to do demo lessons in the future. Ron’s high energy and hands-on approach made the workshop both interesting and informative. He is highly motivated and is open to suggestions and feed-back. For these reasons, and the fact that he shows great knowledge in his field, I believe that any school would benefit from his staff development workshops.”

— Liberty Academy Charter School

“I just wanted to thank you again for your services, everything was great today and I feel the staff and kids all got something out of it. Ron was extremely personable, using real life experience to connect with his audience which was extremely effective! The feedback has been positive from the students, and I look forward to seeing them implement some of the skills that Ron taught them. Thanks again and I look forward to using your services in the future.”

— Pleasantech Charter School


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