Ryan  Harris

Ryan Harris

Super Bowl Champion, ND football Analyst, Speaker & Broadcaster

In-Person Fee Range:
$7,501 - $10,000
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Ryan Harris – Speaker Reel

Ryan Harris

Super Bowl Champion, ND football Analyst, Speaker & Broadcaster

In-Person Fee Range:
$7,501 - $10,000
Fee Details
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Why Book

  • He became a Super Bowl Champion after winning Super Bowl 50 with the Denver Broncos
  • He provides strategies and steps learned from his own personal life experiences that will guide and motivate anyone wanting to achieve goals, dreams, and wishing to reach their full potential
  • These days, he can be heard as the Color Analyst for Notre Dame Football radio broadcast


Ryan Harris is a 10 year veteran of the NFL. In 2015, he became a Super Bowl Champion after winning Super Bowl 50 with the Denver Broncos. He has also played for the Houston Texans, Kansas City Chiefs and Pittsburgh Steelers before retiring in 2016.

Ryan graduated from Notre Dame with two degrees, one in Economics and Policy, and the other in Political Science. These days you can listen to Ryan as the Color Analyst for Notre Dame Football radio broadcast, on Altitude’s Sports Radio, or watch him on CBS Denver, Fox 31 Denver, Altitude TV, and more.

Ryan is the author of MINDSET FOR MASTERY: An NFL Champion’s Guide to Reaching your Greatness. It’s an excellent companion book to Ryan’s Mindset for Mastery speech and provides strategies and steps learned from Ryan’s personal life experiences that will guide and motivate anyone wanting to achieve goals, dreams and wishing to reach their full potential.

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Mindset for Mastery: Achieving your greatness

A program about Self Mastery and High Performance
Limited beliefs provide limited results. People are stuck in performance cycles that don’t match their potential. Under performing creates self-doubt. After a while, don’t know what we’re even capable of achieving. When we stop believing in ourselves, we lose opportunities. To grow. To be better. To see what we’re capable of. And it takes a toll on our confidence. At some point, your good is not good enough. This is a moment of opportunity.

There are wins all around us if we are willing to see them. Ryan Harris, 10-year NFL veteran and Super Bowl Champion, will teach the audience to celebrate every win. Sharing his personal life and football stories, he is a catalyst that helps people believe in themselves. The micro wins add up to macro success.

Audiences will learn how to:

  • Have a new perspective on what it means to win
  • Believe in themselves and what’s possible
  • Experience personal achievement
  • Re-frame their relationship with failure

    Ryan goes beyond just giving a presentation. He creates an experience. He brings together the elements of success, failure and happiness. Ryan brings an energy of motivation, believing everyone in the room is a champion. He sees it as his job to help them see the champion within themselves.

  • Lead to Win: The 5 Components of Championship Leadership

    A program about achieving your greatness as a leader
    Where your leading from and what you are leading to will define your role as a leader. Everyone on a team wants to produce for an authentic leader who expects greatness and sets out clearly defined goals. Leadership comes in many shapes and forms. Some people want to be leaders their whole lives and others find leadership roles through their success and find themselves leading those they were working with just a short time ago.

    No matter how you arrived at leadership, you have the power to maximize your effectiveness, income, happiness, and greatness while leading others to achieve the same in their lives. Through utilizing The 5 Components of Championship leadership you can unlock the authentic leader within you and change the lives of everyone with whom you work.

    Ryan will take the audience on a captivating journey that demonstrates how great leaders can make a positive difference for organization and the team. Audiences laugh and learn as Ryan teaches the components of Championship leadership while using the hilarious, troubling, and championship examples of leadership from his Super Bowl Champion 10 year NFL Career.

    Audiences will learn how to:

  • Identify their authentic leadership style
  • Lead to win
  • Encourage and empower others
  • Create strategic support for their team
  • Win with one goal
  • From good to great: Creating a winning culture

    A program for team dynamics
    Too often companies and teams confuse the ability to achieve something with being great at it. They rest on past accomplishments that quickly become outdated and can compromise future success.

    The best companies, and the best teams, incorporate small and continuous adjustments to maintain top performance. Apple did not stop at the iPod just as Championship teams in the NFL do not stop learning and growing after a playoff win.

    Understanding your team’s dynamics is the first step to being good. It’s through both success and failure that the work toward becoming GREAT begins.

    Super Bowl 50 Champion Ryan Harris will give your team members the vision and tools to understand their team’s dynamics and go from good to great. Through simple and interactive examples you and your team will understand what makes your team unique, and how to engage with each other to go beyond! This Fun experience will have lasting effects that create great teammates, leaders, success, and most importantly, FUN!

    Audiences will learn how to:

  • Commit to winning
  • Figure out their team role and how perform to their best
  • Try something new
  • Unlock the team builder ‘Honesty’
  • Laugh as a team

    The lessons learned will last far beyond the experience the audience enjoys. Attendees are given concrete steps to implement their authentic leadership with enthusiasm and a framework to measure success. Great leaders change more than company goals. They change lives. They change the world. So let’s change the world.


    A program about Financial Literacy
    Saving money can be the hardest thing to do in life. Going beyond saving and having the discipline to invest proves daunting for even the richest people around you.

    Discussing what we truly value versus the purchases we make highlights the inconsistencies we feel in everyday life. Yet everyday, ordinary people are making money anytime you make a purchase. That’s because they have learned the three rules of the money game: Save, Invest, Delay.

    Financial Freedom can be achieved by ANYONE who works ANY job. When you have financial freedom you have the ability to do what you want when you want. Ryan Harris teaches audiences the fundamental rules of the money game that every wealthy person practices. Ryan Illustrates the small actions of himself and others that bring waves of financial benefits while also creating a new perspective around the value of each purchase.

    Audiences will learn how to:

  • Save money
  • Detox debt
  • Own what they buy
  • Win the money game
  • Make every purchase valuable and meaningful

    Lives are changed by applying the rules of the money game through Ryan’s three simple and easy steps. Using the financial wants and goals of each event, he creates an experience with audiences that empowers their purchases and savings to create financial freedom. When it comes to money, we create the definition of value.


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