Ryan   Leak

Ryan Leak

Best-Selling Author, Executive Coach, Motivational Speaker and CEO of the Ryan Leak Group

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Ryan Leak

Best-Selling Author, Executive Coach, Motivational Speaker and CEO of the Ryan Leak Group

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Why Book

  • Ryan is a best selling author of the book Level Up, Chasing Failure, Unoffendable and The One: An Amazing Love Story Starts With You
  • His programs are designed to inspire people get out of their comfort zones and take risks
  • Ryan is also the CEO of the Ryan Leak Group, LLC that is a leadership development firm in Dallas, TX


What has fear ultimately cost you, your team, your organization? In times of challenge and great uncertainty it’s easy to feel paralyzed by fear, but what if you could stand in the face of fear and know that these are the exact moments in life where you can rise to be your best self? These are the real and deeply human conversations that leadership expert Ryan Leak is addressing with global C-Suite audiences in Fortune 500s, All-Stars in the NBA and over 50,000 people that he reaches monthly through his keynotes.

Over the past decade, Ryan has become a sought-after speaker, coach and consultant with deep domain expertise in empowering leaders to reclaim a new self-awareness that enables them to connect with their people more effectively. Rooted in the idea of Chasing Failure, and not being afraid of stretching further, Ryan has been hired by Fortune 500 companies and professional sports franchises to work internally with specialized teams, add value for leaders and their customers, and create new initiatives for the business to better connect with the broader world. Ryan trains 15,000+ entrepreneurial leaders and speaks to over 200,000 people each year as a curator of relevant leadership content and transformational storytelling.

In his new book, Chasing Failure: How Falling Short Sets You Up for Success, Ryan blends personal stories, motivating anecdotes, relevant psychology, and practical step-by-step guidance, to show how chasing failure just may be the quickest way to success.

Seen as a deeply aware coach and connector who can seamlessly operate across the spectrum of a business, Ryan helps leaders better understand where their teams are capable of going by addressing the friction of where teams stand today. Using humorous wisdom and poignant narrative, he inspires audiences to recognize the value in chasing failure to become even more than they are – to become the best version of themselves.

Ryan uses his unique principle-based perspective as a keynote speaker to create significant value to organizations of all shapes and sizes that recognize the tremendous impact in responding to changes in employee mindset and expectations. Ryan’s presentations have gone from an employee engagement perk to a massive competitive advantage for the organization.

Ryan is CEO of the Ryan Leak Group, a leadership development firm, and he is also on the teaching team of a few well-known U.S. based churches. Ryan lives in Dallas, Texas, with his wife Amanda and two sons, Jaxson and Roman.

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You never want to become one of those leaders that’s leading a group of people in a direction they’ve never been. One of the best things you can do for your future leadership is leading yourself today. You may not even be a leader yet, but did you know you can start leading yourself right now? You don’t want to be the type of leader that says “leaders are readers”… but you don’t read. You can buy a book on amazon right now. I’ll make it even easier for you… Go audible, girl. Listen to books. That’s my jam. I love listening to books. You don’t ever want to find yourself frustrated with your team when perhaps the root of the team’s issues is that you never lead yourself well.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is more important now than ever before. And here’s why: Only 50% of the U.S. population under the age of 18 is caucasian. The data tells us by 2045, that will be the case for all ages. The future of your organization is a lot more diverse whether you prefer it that way or not. In light of your future customer base and your human resources, diversity, equity, and inclusion are conversations you desperately need have a great understanding of. It can’t be something that’s simply on paper. It’s one thing to give a historically marginalized person a job. It’s another thing to give them a voice of influence at a decision making table.


Every motivational speaker you’ve ever heard has said these words at least once to large group of people: never. Give. up. I’ve done it hundreds of times. But the older I get, the more I realize… that might be the most dangerous piece of advice you could give to a large group of people. Here’s why: the people who have succeeded the most in life have actually figured out when and what they indeed should give up on so they can devote their energy to what will give them their best return on investment.


Leadership rises and falls on communication. But the most important part of communication isn’t how well you talk, but how well you are listening. And there’s levels to it. Once we learn them, we can nurture incredible work relationships.

Level 1: Ignoring completely.

Level 2: Pretending to listen.

Level 3: Selective listening.

Level 4: Listening to respond.

Level 5: Listening to understand.

Level 6: Listening to learn.

Level 7: Listening to build trust.

What’s crucial for your organization is that every voice be heard, and for that to happen, our listening skills have to be sharpened.


So many resources are poured into building leaders, but not enough resources are poured into building good followers. The art of followership is important for everyone not the CEO. And there are some key habits that make followers effective.


We despise working with someone who is prideful, selfish, lazy, careless, and deceitful. In fact, most of our chief complaints about others would include one of those. We all love working with team members who are:

1. Humble.

2. Helpful.

3. Hungry.

4. Hospitable.

5. Honest.


I’ve coached and watched way too many leaders and executives attain professional growth at the expense of personal growth. I know way too many leaders who’ve mastered taking care of others and neglected taking care of themselves. I believe the Art of Self-Care has never been more important in 4 Key Health areas:

1. Physically

2. Mentally

3. Emotionally

4. Spiritually.


We all love to experience great customer service with organizations who have a culture of hospitality. We think those organizations have a secret sauce about their culture, but the good news is that culture can be created by you wherever you are right now. Everyday we show up to work, we have a choice about how we’re going to show up. We can simply fall into whatever culture preexists in our organizations or we can create culture. We can complain about culture or carry a new one.


The problem with what we believe we want now is our history of what we wanted is flawed. The car we wanted 10 years ago isn’t one we’d want now. The clothes we wanted so bad 20 years ago, we’d burn today. Most people don’t discover what they really want until their 60s. And what they find out is that what they really want is a legacy. The one way we can all get what we really want is simple: generosity. If you make your life about giving, you’ll always have a story to tell and someone will always have a story to tell about you.


Most people believe conflict is a sign of unhealthy relationships, but, in fact, conflict is who we all grow. Instead of running away from or avoid conflict, I want to encourage you to embrace it.


Offense is an event. Staying offended is a choice. When we don’t deal with it in the work place, it impacts our productivity and our ability to connect with our colleagues.

Ryan Leak Reviews

“His willingness to serve our organization and customize his message made it extremely easy to work with Ryan and his message was an absolute HOMERUN – the chat function was blowing up with positive messages and I my inbox was being lit up with messages of gratitude for Ryan. I was particularly impressed with how his message resonated with every demographic of our audience. I highly recommend Ryan to serve the needs of your organization.””

— President & CEO, Marsh & McLennan Agency

“Ryan was knowledgeable, informative, and able to captivate our audience with both learning and life skills for self-awareness and career development. We had over 90% of participants report increased learning and knowledge and numerous people ask for Ryan to come back for workshops for their departments.””

— Senior Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity Practitioner

“Ryan can take you from doubled over laughter literally to tears in 3 minutes and draw you into his stories where you feel it and can touch it and your senses are awaken. His story telling ability and his way to lead you to lesson after life lesson is so powerful. Highly recommend Ryan as a speaker or full day seminar on his expertise in the Enneagram training. Have heard plenty of speakers over the last 35 years and rank him in the top ten of all of them.””

— President of Sales & CEO of Fairway Ignite


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