Thom Singer delivers high energy presentations for industries that rely on personal relationships for sales growth and advancement opportunity where people may be overwhelmed by the fog of technological options. When human engagement and connections matter, event organizers hire “The Conference Catalyst”.
Thom will “wow” your audience with his practical and motivational presentations. He has experience speaking to groups large and small; keynotes, breakout sessions, interactive training and serving as the “meeting planners favorite” — “The Conference Catalyst” (available as keynote or in the role of EmCee).
He is the author of eleven books on the power of business relationships, networking, entrepreneurship, public speaking skills, and legal marketing. He has authored numerous articles for business and marketing publications,and has been quoted as a business relationship expert in a variety of business periodicals including Selling Power,, The New York Times, CNN MoneyWatch and many others. Thom is also the host of the COOL THINGS ENTREPRENEURS DO Podcast (ask about adding podcast interviews from your event to his confernece services).
Thom and his wife, Sara, make their home in Austin, Texas and are the parents of two highly-spirited daughters.