Tim Sanders Podcast
“Innovation occurs when we get out of our comfort zone in terms of who we solve problems with.”
In our latest Eagles Talent Podcast interview, Keynote Speaker and Leadership Expert Tim Sanders shares the methodology behind some of his best-selling books. Disruptive Collaboration, his latest speaking program, encourages unlikely collisions of thought across the lines of your organization.
“The problem is teamwork–who is missing from the table?”
Tim’s philosophy revolves around the notion of unlikely collaborations. When a variety of perspectives are included in a meeting, an innovative idea is more likely to develop. In his keynote presentation, Tim reveals how the biggest leaps and turnarounds in history came from ‘collisions of thought,’ not safe work in our silos of excellence.
“Innovation is about challenging someone’s constraints.”
As a keynote speaker, Tim reveals winning ways to unleash innovation in the sales industry by working across the lines and shaking up the way you solve challenges. To learn more about Tim and Disruptive Collaboration, view the full video below.
For more information on booking Tim Sanders, or Tim Sanders Podcast, visit eaglestalent.com or call 1.800.345.5607
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