Dr. Will Miller

Former Nick at Nite Resident Therapist & Host

In-Person Fee Range:
$7,501 - $10,000
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Why Book

  • Dr. Will is a nationally recognized expert on coping with stress and living a high quality of life and offers a new approach to finding balance and fulfillment in your life.
  • He weaves together a presentation on relationships, organizational health and workplace culture that combines groundbreaking research with comedy.


Dr. Will Miller’s unique background as a professional standup comedian, television personality, psychotherapist, educator, and best-selling author, along with his five graduate degrees, make him a recognized authority on modern life and culture. He is an adjunct professor of Communication Ethics for Purdue University, the official psychotherapist for the nationally syndicated Bob & Tom radio show, and Police Chaplain and stress consultant in his Indiana community.

He is the author of several books, including “Miserable @ Work” and co-author of the best selling “Refrigerator Rights” – a study of the effects of social isolation on quality of life.

His presentations, whether a keynote to a large audience, or as a workshop leader, combine all of these experiences. He has delivered thousands of speeches to the nation’s largest corporations and organizations about living a well-adjusted life in a time of enormous pressure and stress. His message is unique in its approach that coping and change happen by fixing our external circumstance as much, if not more than our internal condition.

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Spread the Health!

America has a Severe Mental Health Crisis!  … and i’s getting worse every day

The Statistics are alarming 

Rates of depression, anxiety, overdoes & suicides … all at shocking record levels. The numbers keep climbing. The U.S. Surgeon General calls it a crisis of loneliness and isolation and ‘it is killing us!’ We are called to be aware, step up, and do something! How is your HR department doing? Could they use some help?

It starts with taking care of your own emotional health! And this is Dr. Will’s expertise. A recognized authority on Mental Health & Trauma and approaches to Self Care and Change, Will guides the audience to learn science based strategies for wellness & self healing!

Best of all he is a professional standup comedian! The presentation is insightful & delightful!

A Mental Health, Comedy Monologue

Dr. Will Miller has lived his life managing his own complicated issues. But he has also earned ve graduate degrees, worked for 25 years as a psychotherapist, and has spent a decade as a stress consultant for police of cers. He’s trained as an addictions counselor, is a certi ed trauma professional and is an ordained minister. On a ligher note he spent 15 years as a night club comedian & 20 years as a corporate speaker and entertainer. (Let’s be serious: if Dr. Will can’t relate to our issues, no one can!)

Miserable@Work! A Fresh Take on Life Balance

Worker dissatisfaction is at an all time high. The majority assert that they are frustrated, even miserable at their jobs. But the odd fact is that most still enjoy doing the actual tasks of their job and career. It’s extreme frustration with what is commonly referred to as “the other stuff” they must endure. No matter what the industry career or job, blue collar or white collar, there is a disconnect that is causing debilitating stress for employees. Advocating a rethinking of life balance and central life interest, Dr. Will’s presentations a persuasive message to workers and leaders about how to recover the love of our labor!

A cultural analyst and frequent media commentator on social trends, Dr. Will Miller’s background as a psychologist, theologian, and stand-up comedian always produces content-rich, yet entertaining and thought provoking material. In this timely talk, Dr. Will delivers dispassionate insight, understanding, and reasons for optimism that is relevant to all.

Stress Rx: Finding Happiness Through Connections

How many stress talks have you had for your people? Have they become repetitive for you and more focused on the dynamic qualities of the high priced speaker? Have they really made a measurable difference?

One of the reasons so many stress talks sound the same is for the obvious reason that everyone is accessing the same scholarship and science. What they have in common is often a focus on alleviating stress for the individual by the individual. But as new research continues to affirm, coping with stress by improving the quality of your relationships is the real key.

Dr. Miller’s presentation on stress also covers the latest research findings emphasizing that close relationships at work and at home are the variables that make the real impact.

The Shifting Standards of Ethics

Is there a universal sense of right and wrong built into every human being? This was certainly the view made popular through Western philosophy and practice. But in today’s global society, and with the shifting technological environment, ethical questions continue to confront us. Is our personal and corporate ethical sense based on what is best for the most people, victims aside? How do we ask leaders to make hard choices in international settings when confronted with such a broad understanding of what is ethical?

Dr. Will Miller, graduate professor of Communication Ethics and Strategic Communication at Purdue University, understands how we guide professionals through the tricky waters of shifting norms. His scholarly background as a psychologist, theologian, and educator, combined with his 20 years as a professional stand-up comedian, make this a highly engaging, and content-rich presentation.

Our Community: Finding Meaning in the Place We Call Home

The challenges of living in the era of social isolation and media immersion, DR. Will offers a rich level of research and understanding into the plight of institutions charged with helping people live a well-balanced and meaningful life.

This presentation which combines scholarly insight with entertainment is ideal for civic gatherings seeking to cultivate community and family initiatives by nurturing meaningful relationships among populations filled with a variety of age, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds.

Discover how to initiate volunteerism, engagement, and new collaborations in your city, town, and state. Help your people discover the joy of being an active part of a community rich in opportunity.

Graduation Jolt: Now What?

The academic industry faces unprecedented demands. As a recognized authority on the challenges of living in the era of social isolation and media immersion, Dr. Will offers a rich level of research and understanding into the plight of the educational institutes charged with preparing future generations to live a well-balanced and meaningful life.

With five graduate degrees, Dr. Will shares the wisdom of his experience as a therapist and professor at Purdue University. And along with his two decades’ experience as a professional stand-up comedian, he offers a funny but incisive perspective to find real solutions for students and graduates and alleviate their worry about the future. Based on his book Graduation Jolt: How to Survive and Thrive after College Graduation, co-authored with Dr. Glenn Sparks (2014).

Dr. Will Miller Reviews

“We were absolutely delighted with Dr. Miller. He put a lot of things in perspective!”

— American Petroleum Institute Global

“Dr. Miller was amazing!! He did a great job and hit the mark as far as what we wanted the impact to be. We had a student event that same night and many of the teachers that were present have students at my school…they even commented on how great he was! …You guys are great!!”

— Katy ISD

“We’re still talking, well laughing, about your presentation…outstanding! What a great approach to a topic everyone was able to relate to. Your sense of humor combined with a poignant approach to the impact culture has on creating relationships was incredible. Closing our meeting with your presentation on Refrigerator Rights was perfect!”

— McNeil Pharmaceuticals

“Your talk was an inspiration to us all…I will spend the entire weekend sitting on my front stoop reading Refrigerator Rights out loud to my neighbors.”

— Pennsylvania Public Transit

“Will’s teaching about the impact of popular culture on stress offers a unique and incisive analysis of the challenge of the modern lifestyle. And since these powerful ideas are wrapped in standup comedy, the reaction is always positive.”

— Merrill Lynch


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