A communications and performance expert, Amanda Gore Keynote speaker and CEO of The Joy Project, uses latest research in neuroscience, positive psychology, epigenetics, and emotional intelligence, to help business leaders achieve the results they need by getting people engaged in, enthusiastic about and aligned with conference and corporate goals and vision. Amanda will help you to create joyful workplaces that lead to better performance. The Harvard business review is entitled “The Value of Happiness – how employee well being drives profits”. It is the latest focus for corporations and countries worldwide – how to create flourishing workplaces.
If you want better leadership, change management, team performance, customer service, sales or bottom line.
Amanda focuses on:
• How to change people’s behaviors
• How to create environments in which people can be the best they can be
• How to help people believe in themselves
This is presented in an entertaining way that has the whole group interacting and involved. Amanda will create an experience and skill base that changes the whole group dynamics of your conference, and which people will remember for years. For too long business has been paralyzed by it’s over analysis of data. People are 80% emotional and 20% rational – if we want them to change we have to tell them stories that touch their hearts! Facts and figures don’t work – as Lou Gerstner found out as he turned IBM around.
Amanda will help people reconnect to what really matters – the energy and emotional layers that really drive performance, innovation, relationships, engagement and creativity in business and life. Within a few short minutes, Amanda breaks down the barriers that separate people, and from that moment forward it’s a fun, invigorating, action packed ride towards self discovery and ultimately, real and lasting change.
Through funny, energizing presentations, based on decades of scientific discovery and personal experience, Amanda believes success in business is always about feelings – the way we feel about ourselves, something or someone determines how we behave – and whether we do business with them or not – and the way we interact. Our perceptions determine our feelings, which directly affect our behavior. Until we change our perceptions, we won’t change our behavior. Amanda changes perceptions… and feelings.
Author of five books and several DVD and audio training programs, She devotes two months of every year researching and developing new material and keeping up to date in her fields of expertise in neuroscience, leadership, resilience, group dynamics and stress management.