Barbara Anne Res is known to the world as “The Woman Who Built Trump Tower” because Donald Trump used her to demonstrate how he hires powerful women. She is a 40 year veteran of the Construction and Real Estate Development industries. One of only a handful of women engineers, Res endured and overcame much intimidation, sexual harassment and discrimination during her early years on jobsites. She served as Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization for many years and is the one person willing and legally able to talk about him who knows him best.
Res has written a memoir about all her experiences as a pioneer in the engineering and construction fields, All Alone on the 68th Floor: How One Woman Changed the Face of Construction. She has also penned many op ed pieces about women in construction, her philosophy on feminism and her experience working with Trump. She speaks extensively to women’s groups and industry groups about construction and women’s role in it, as well as sexual discrimination and harassment. Her talks are often met with tears, hugs and selfies. Women relate to her and are inspired by both her strength and stamina and her willingness to discuss the impacts the experiences she encountered had on her life so openly. Res has spoken in cities across the United States and in England
A graduate of CCNY Engineering and Rutgers Law School, Res is the mother of two children and lives in Tenafly, NJ.