The world esteems athletes from the NBA to the PGA as the best in the world. What would happen to your company, personal life and/or professional career if you incorporated what professional athletes have practiced for decades? How do star athletes dominate their sport, have annual performance improvement, and excel in a competitive market place? Easy! I want to introduce to you an old but revolutionary concept called “The Off-Season.”
The “Off-Season” is designed to give you an edge in your professional and personal life by isolating areas to improve and giving you real tools to guarantee continuous improvement. What is an Off-season? It is not a vacation, it is not a sabbatical — an Off-Season is an annual break dedicated to retool, regroup, refresh and refocus for optimal performance improvement. The Off-Season is the key to an athletes’ dominance in their industry.
An athlete is expected to return each season bigger, stronger and faster. Sound familiar? You should demand nothing less in your life. However, unlike sports the business world or life, as we know it has no Off-Season built in. Wouldn’t you like to have an edge on your competition? How happy would you be if you could create the life you’ve always dreamt about? How awesome would it be if you learned the keys to continuous improvement and methodically built your marriage, career and life and excelled in all of life’s challenges? Well, here’s the secret: take a brief break each year and create strategies that can help you take all that you do to the next level. This could be a simple three-day weekend or maybe even an entire week. This is when you should work at your work. Professional athletes have an off-season, why not you?
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