Global Economist, Author & Investor in the Future
Global Economist, Author & Investor in the Future
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Dr. Dambisa Moyo is a pre-eminent thinker, who influences key decision-makers in strategic investment and public policy. She is respected for her unique perspectives, her balance of contrarian thinking with measured judgment, and her ability to turn economic insight into investible ideas.
Dambisa has earned a strong reputation as a top-tier opinion former and trusted advisor on Macroeconomics, Geopolitics, Technology and Millennial themes. She is a Board member of The 3M Company and Chevron. She holds a Doctorate in Economics from Oxford, a Masters from Harvard, and is recognized for fresh and innovative ideas as the Author of four (4) New York Times Bestselling Books:
-Edge of Chaos: Why Democracy is Failing to Deliver Economic Growth and How to Fix It (2018)
-Winner Take All: China’s race for Resources and What it Means for the World (2012)
-How the West Was Lost: Fifty Years of Economic Folly and the Stark Choices Ahead (2011)
-Dead Aid: Why Aid is Not Working and How There is a Better Way for Africa (2009)
Dambisa is an honorary fellow of the Foreign Policy Association and member of the Bretton Woods Committee.
Dambisa was named to the list of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World; has published in the Financial Times, WSJ, Barrons, Harvard Business Review and has travelled to over 65 countries. In her spare time, she runs marathons and practices Pilates.
The defining challenge of our time is how do we create solid and sustained economic growth and continue to meaningfully put a dent in poverty across the world. In essence, how do we restore robust growth in the Eurozone, the United States and around the industrialized economies creaking under mounting debt, challenging demographics and stagnating productivity? And how do we boost growth in the developing world—home to 90 percent of the world’s population and where, on average, 70 percent of the population is less than 25 years old—as a period of unprecedented economic expansion begins to slow in some places and regress in others? Dambisa Moyo will address the structural and tactical implications of global macroeconomic trends and why this time is different.
As the population in China advances economically, the Chinese government has made a strategic and concerted effort to secure natural resources that can be used in its domestic industries. These moves have consequences for the global community, in part because international conflicts over resources commonly turn violent. Increasingly, China wields market power and sets global commodity prices. Dambisa Moyo will explain the three-pronged strategy that forms China’s systematic and deliberate campaign for global resources in the context of decreasing demand and falling commodity prices. China’s aggressive approach places her in a unique position, particularly across the world’s emerging economies, and has far-reaching implications for economic growth and trade in the future.
At a time of rapid technological advancements and innovation, the risks and opportunities are immense, and the responses from corporations and public policy are crucial to economic growth. On the one hand, technological shifts hold promise to transform livelihoods by enhancing the efficiency and ease of information transfer, connectivity and communication. Yet, there remain legitimate concerns on the net effects of technological advances—particularly in respect to whether and how automation will disrupt and erode (low skilled) jobs—the hallmark of emerging markets. For every gadget that enables us to process data and information faster and more cheaply, there is a burgeoning social and public policy challenge of rising unemployment that has dire consequences for growth and could engender significant costs for society by reducing employment. Technological advances present a rapidly growing social and public policy challenge for every country, across all sectors.
In recent years, businesses have been called upon to take a broader, more self-enlightened role in the global economy—beyond just making widgets and profits. Whether it’s through a triple bottom line lens or corporate social responsibility initiatives, modern companies are expected to take on broader responsibility for the economic and social well-being of the communities in which they operate. Clients, host governments, customers and investors are increasingly demanding a broader rationale for companies to exist. As these practices and norms continue to emerge, it is crucial for companies to adequately examine and address some of the challenges for companies operating across political systems in a transnational business environment. Individuals need to be aware of the potential impact their decisions may have on corporations and clients in the future. The level of social responsibility for the business community will continue to become even more intertwined with the viability of a corporation as businesses face new regulatory frameworks, technological shifts and growing competition.
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