As Founder and CEO of Carawan Global Communications and Consulting, Rolfe Carawan understands the challenges leaders face in working with people in today’s business climate. Rolfe’s expertise in human dynamics gives him the unique ability to help organizations sustain unity through change and challenging times. His winning strategies have been developed over 30 years of successfully coaching, managing and motivating people.
Speaking to organizations ranging from Fortune 500s and high-tech companies to healthcare and non-profits, Rolfe has helped over ¾ million people throughout America, as well as audiences on four continents. Rolfe uses his exceptional ability to communicate time-tested principles with humor and wit, and provides keen insight on successfully transitioning people through change, transforming human behavior, building unified teams, and overcoming generational gaps. Clients include Embassy Suites, General Motors, US Army, Lucent Technologies, GlaxoSmithKline, Consolidated Nutrition and Wayerhaeuser. With a gift for connecting the head and the heart, Rolfe’s powerful message hits home every time and its effects are felt long after his presentation.
Inspired by his passion to relieve suffering and release potential, Rolfe has authored and co-authored several books on the power of principled living, including Profiles In Character and The Character Revolution. A man who decidedly “walks his talk,” Rolfe founded and oversees a non-profit organization that has for 18 years provided families with strategies for successfully growing together, especially through the sometimes volatile transition of the teen years.
His real world experience as Regional Sales Director for a fast-growing internet company, Campaign Manager for a Virginia Congressman, part owner in a start-up business in the Med-spa industry, associate pastor, as well as successful teacher, coach and counselor, gives Rolfe keen insight into working with people in a variety of industries. Rolfe earned his B.A. in Education and M.A. in Counseling from The College of William and Mary.
Knowing that success comes to teams and organizations that learn how to stick together through thick and thin, Rolfe and his team use experiential learning methods when coaching or training leaders on how to create a committed workforce, raise employee morale, effectively implement change initiatives, and strengthen communication.
Known for his contagious energy, riveting stories, and disarming style Rolfe consistently rates high reviews as he draws out the best in people, igniting a renewal of energy, engagement and productivity.